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"Roberta L. Millstein" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 09:30:04 -0800
text/plain (197 lines)
Listserv for the International Society
for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology

(see the end of this message for directions on how to subscribe and
unsubscribe from this listserv)

In this email:

      1. Postdoc in biological invasions
      2. Graduate opportunities in biological invasions
      3. Research Internship in the philosophy of biology
      4. CFP, Philosophy of Biology Graduate Student Conference

--------Message 1 of 4: Postdoc in biological invasions---------

University of California, Davis IGERT Postdoctoral Fellow in Biological

We seek two candidates with broad, interdisciplinary interests in
biological invasions for a one-year postdoctoral fellowship (renewable for
a second year) supported by a new training grant from the National Science
Foundation Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT)
program (see ).  The primary goal of the
multidisciplinary Biological Invasions IGERT is to train students from the
life sciences, social sciences, engineering, physical sciences, and
humanities to address the complex environmental challenges presented by
biological species invasions. The program stresses interdisciplinary
collaboration and mentorship among students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty,
and the non-academic community. IGERT Postdoctoral Fellows will enhance
research collaborations among faculty and students, make significant
contributions to the 1st year core graduate curriculum and 2nd year
collaborative research projects, and participate in the Biological
Invasions reading group and symposia.  Faculty will mentor postdoctoral
fellows trainees in research and professional development, and fellows will
mentor graduate and undergraduate students through teaching, formal
research collaborations, and informal interactions.  Prospective Fellows
must propose a collaborative project that links the research programs of
trainers in two or more disciplines.  Applicants should also include
curriculum vitae, a two-page statement of current research interests, a
one-page a description of teaching and mentoring experience and philosophy,
and three letters of recommendation by December 15, 2001 to:

Carole L. Hom, Academic Coordinator
Postdoctoral Fellowship Committee
Biological Invasions IGERT
University of California, Davis
One Shields Ave.
Davis, CA  95616.

Questions can be addressed to Dr. Hom at [log in to unmask]

--------Message 2 of 4: Graduate opportunities in biological invasions---------

The University of California, Davis, is the site for a new National Science
Foundation Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT)
program on Biological Invasions. The primary goal of the multidisciplinary
Biological Invasions IGERT is to train students from the life sciences,
social sciences, engineering, physical sciences, and humanities to address
the complex environmental challenges presented by biological invasions. The
program stresses interdisciplinary collaboration and mentorship among
students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and the non-academic community,
and includes an internship in a non-academic agency.

The Biological Invasions IGERT program offers opportunities for students
interested in conducting independent or collaborative research and training
activities consistent with the project's broad goals. Long-term fellows
receive two years of support (stipend plus fee waiver, contingent upon
satisfactory progress and participation in the IGERT) and are eligible to
apply for additional research, consultant, or short-term fellowship funds
as advanced graduate students. Prospective long-term fellows in the
Biological Invasions IGERT should apply to the IGERT when submitting an
application for study in law school or a doctoral program at UC Davis.
Current UC Davis students may apply in their first year at UC Davis and
participate beginning in their second year. In exceptional cases,
second-year students at UC Davis may be admitted and begin the IGERT
program in their third year.

A typical support package for a Long-Term Fellow would consist of the

1st and 2nd year:       up to three quarters of IGERT fellowship
support per year.
3rd and 4th year:       a combination of fellowship support, Teaching
Assistantships, and Research Assistantships developed in consultation
with the home Graduate Group and major professor
final year:             full fellowship support in the final year of
doctoral work

In all cases, multi-year funding packages will be subject to annual review
by the student's Guidance Committee, as well as by the IGERT Fellowship
Committee. Trainees will be required to participate in the IGERT Foundation
Program and 2nd-Year Group Project in their 1st and 2nd year, respectively,
and in reading groups, symposia, and mentoring thereafter.

A complete application will consist of:

        the on-line application at the UC Davis Graduate Studies web site, (submitted to Graduate Studies)

        any supplementary application materials required by your
        prospective graduate group (submitted directly to your graduate group)

        the Biological Invasions IGERT application form for long-term
        fellows, available at (submitted
        to Carole L. Hom, Academic Coordinator -- BioInv IGERT,
        Center for Population Biology, University of California,
        One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616)

Review of applications will begin on 15 January 2002; for full
consideration, all application materials must be received by this date.

For more information on the Biological Invasions IGERT, see

--------Message 3 of 4: Research Internship in the philosophy of

The Department of Philosophy and Program in the History and
Philosophy of Science at the University of Texas at Austin is pleased
to announce a Research Internship in the philosophy of biology for
entering graduate students, with eligibility restricted to US
citizens and permanent residents. For one year the intern will
receive a stipend of $ 15 500 plus tuition and other benefits. A
subsequent aid package for four years will also be offered. The
intern will be expected to participate in an ongoing project on the
role of model organisms in contemporary biology. For more
information, please contact Sahotra Sarkar <[log in to unmask]>.

--------Message 4 of 4: CFP, Philosophy of Biology Graduate Student

Pasted below is a call for papers for a graduate student conference
at the University of Texas at Austin scheduled to precede the annual
philosophy and developmental biology conference. Please post where

Philosophy of Biology Graduate Student Conference
April 5, 2002
University of Texas at Austin

In conjunction with the Philosophy and Developmental Biology
conference to be held at the University of Texas at Austin on
Saturday April 6, 2002, a Philosophy of Biology conference for
graduate students will be held at the University of Texas on Friday,
April 5, 2002.  Papers on any topic in Philosophy of Biology may be
submitted to this address.  The deadline for submissions will be
Friday February 15, 2002, but action will be taken early on papers
submitted before then, should applicants need to arrange funding with
their home universities well in advance of the conference date.

Thank you,

James Justus
James R. Justus
Research Assistant
Program in the History and Philosophy of Science
Department of Philosophy
Campus Mail Code: C3500
316 Waggener Hall
Austin, TX

--------End of messages---------
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Professor Roberta L. Millstein
Listserv Moderator, International Society for
History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology

Snail mail:
Department of Philosophy
California State University, Hayward
25800 Carlos Bee Blvd.
Hayward, CA 94542

Email: <[log in to unmask]>
Phone: 510-885-3546
Fax:   510-885-2123
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