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Mon, 10 Feb 2003 10:42:24 CST
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This takes 2 seconds.  IF you support the cause, make the click!  web

and, forward it to everyone you know...

take care,

Congress appropriated $34 million for the United Nations' Fund for
Population Activities (UNFPA) for this year, but President Bush refuses to
release the money. The fund provides contraception, family planning and
safe births, and works against the spread of HIV and against female genital
mutilation in the poorest countries of the world. Thirty-four million
dollars goes a long way in the parts of the world where more than 600,000
women die every year from pregnancy and childbirth.

In response to this outrage, two women -- Jane Roberts, a retired teacher
in California, and Lois Abraham, a lawyer in New Mexico -- have started a
splendid protest that is being supported by all kinds of women's groups.
The organizers are asking 34 million Americans to send in $1 each to the
UNFPA. This will not only replace the money Congress intended to send them,
but will show President Bush and the world that our hearts are with the
poor women of the world who lack proper medical care. Note that this isn't
some controversial abortion issue; none of the money would have gone to
provide abortions. No, this is a straightforward question of poor women's
rights to get access to the help they need.

To help this campaign, TrueMajority has created this web site as a way to
make it easy for 34 million Americans to help out. By just filling out a
short form we will donate $1 in your name to the UNFPA from our special
MyUNDollar fund. We at TrueMajority have seeded this fund with $10,000 of
our money, but we need help from people who can afford it if we are going
to reach $34 million. So if you can make a tax-deductible donation to keep
this movement snowballing please click that option and contribute by credit
card. Every dollar we get will be put into the MyUNDollar fund so others
can give $1 in their name and we can reach 34 million people. And when you
donate we'll automatically send a dollar in your name.