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David Chia [log in to unmask]
Reply To:
Sun, 25 Sep 2005 15:02:10 -0500
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Hello AMSA,

One of our visions for this year includes a community outreach program to
assist area inner city children attain higher education and to inform them
about careers in the health care field. In order for this to happen, we hav=
partnered up with AMA's Doctors Back To School Program, its chair Ope
Daramola, Harding High School, and students in dentistry, nursing, pharmacy=
public health and health administration. For the fall semester, we have a
three part program planned:

- 1st School Visit @ Harding: Wednesday, October 19. 7.30am
- Cross Educational-Health Careers Interest Day: Friday, November 4.
8am-11.30/12. U of M
- 2nd School Visit @ Harding: Friday, December 2. 7.30am

Potential Volunteer Roles:
1) The Career Interest Day: is a big deal and we had about 73 students last
year. Volunteers are welcome as tour guides, managing display
stations (the kids really love this), and also managing the
display/information table for their school. Display stations are pretty muc=
anything you have that you believe would be fun and is related to your
school. I recall there was a station for x-rays last year, the goggles/drun=
driver simulation, nurses station, etc. We are also looking for volunteers
for a potential Anatomy Torso Project this year.

2).School visits: the purpose of these visits is to simply get students
interested or to foster their interests. So, we'll make it fun and
enjoyable. Instead of just talking and answering questions, we can bring th=
displays, weird X-rays, wrap up a fake wound, wear scrubs and white coats,
take a blood pressure, do visual acuity tests, elaborate on stereotypes and=
yes, we can tell them how much money they can make (this is the most popula=
question). The school visits should not take more than an hour.

Please contact Ope if you are interested at *[log in to unmask]*. I
know that the people that were involved last year really had a great time
and felt like they contributed something rewarding back to the community.
So, please volunteer if you can and show the "conservative" AMA crew that w=
are indeed more compassionate with our liberal souls than they are.


David Daeve Yi Chia
University of Minnesota Medical School, MS2
631 Oak St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
(612) 803-1627

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Hello AMSA,<br>
One of our visions for this year includes a community outreach program
to assist area inner city children attain higher education and to
inform them about careers in the health care field. In order for this
to happen, we have partnered up with AMA's Doctors Back To School
Program, its chair Ope Daramola, Harding High School, and students in
dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, public health and health administration.
For the fall semester, we have a three part program planned:&nbsp; <br clea=
- 1st School Visit @ Harding: Wednesday, October 19. &nbsp;7.30am<br>
- Cross Educational-Health Careers Interest Day: Friday, November 4. 8am-11=
.30/12. &nbsp;U of M<br>
- 2nd School Visit @ Harding: Friday, December 2. &nbsp;7.30am<br>
Potential Volunteer Roles:<br>
1) The Career Interest Day:&nbsp; is a big deal and we had about 73
students last year. &nbsp;Volunteers are welcome as tour guides,
managing display<br>
stations (the kids really love this), and also managing the
display/information table for their school. &nbsp;Display stations are
pretty much anything you have that you believe would be fun and is
related to your school. &nbsp;I recall there was a station for x-rays
last year, the goggles/drunk driver simulation, nurses station, etc. We
are also looking for volunteers for a potential Anatomy Torso Project
this year.<br>
2).School visits:&nbsp; the purpose of these visits is to simply get
students interested or to foster their interests. So, we'll make it fun
and enjoyable. Instead of just talking and answering questions, we can
bring the displays, weird X-rays, wrap up a fake wound, wear scrubs and
white coats, take a blood pressure, do visual acuity tests, elaborate
on stereotypes and, yes, we can tell them how much money they can make
(this is the most popular question). The school visits should not take
more than an hour. <br>
Please contact Ope if you are interested at <b><a href=3D"mailto:opeyemi.da=
[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]</a></b>.
I know that the people that were involved last year really had a great
time and felt like they contributed something rewarding back to the
community. So, please volunteer if you can and show the &quot;conservative&=
AMA crew that we are indeed more compassionate with our liberal souls
than they are.<br>
<br>-- <br>David Daeve Yi Chia<br>
University of Minnesota Medical School, MS2<br>631 Oak St. SE<br>Minneapoli=
s, MN&nbsp;&nbsp;55414<br>(612) 803-1627
