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Charles Billington <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Charles Billington <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 7 Aug 2007 20:51:40 -0500
text/plain (33 lines)
	You are getting this message because you were already a previous  
member of the University of Minnesota AMSA email list or because U of  
MN AMSA had your email from various mailings last year (especially  
applies to class of 2010) or because you have signed up with AMSA as  
part of orientation by noon today. (I will add the more recent first  
year sign-ups in the next batch.)
	If you DO NOT wish, for any reason, to receive email from AMSA  
please let me know at <[log in to unmask]> so I can unsubscribe you,  
or, if you feel comfortable with the listserv system you may  
unsubscribe yourself using the tools at <>.  If  
you know of anyone who would like to get AMSA mail but did not get  
this message, please have them contact me so I can add them.
	Particularly if you are new to AMSA, we hope you will become active  
this year and will be excited to participate in the great activities  
we have planned and will plan with your help in the months ahead.

One item that may be of interest to many of you given AMSA's  
engagement with health policy:
  ***Peds Grand Rounds tomorrow: Legislative Advocacy 101.
  It will cover some of the basics of lobbying and legislative  
affairs and is directed to the pediatrics community. Might be a  
review for some, might be a good intro for others.
2-530 Moos Tower (near the escalators)

Good Luck to the first years with anatomy tomorrow.
To the rest of you, Hope your summer is great

Charlie Billington MED 2
[log in to unmask]
AMSA Co-Secretary.