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Rhamy Magid <[log in to unmask]>
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Rhamy Magid <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 Oct 2007 22:20:02 -0500
text/plain (31 lines)
Hello all,

Despite the need, the will and the voices of the people, the  
President's veto of reauthorization of SCHIP at funding levels that  
we know are necessary and appropriate was upheld today by an  
extremely narrow margin.  The final vote was 273 to 156 in favor of  
overriding the veto, just short of the two thirds needed.  Below,  
I've listed our Minnesota representatives and their votes on  
overriding the veto.  I encourage each of you to find the  
representative of your district and call him or her to offer your  
opinion (positive or negative) of his or her vote.  Finally, I'd like  
to gauge everyone's interest in organizing a protest at the St. Paul  
offices of those who voted against SCHIP (there are only two of  
them).  Let me know if there's interest and we can get the ball rolling.

District - Name
01 - Timothy J. Walz (D) - Yea
02 - John Kline (R) - Nay
03 - Jim Ramstad (R) - Yea
04 - Betty McCollum (D) - Yea
05 - Keith Ellison (D) - Yea
06 - Michele Bachmann (R) - Nay
07 - Collin C. Peterson (D) - Yea
08 - James L. Oberstar (D) - Yea

Rhamy Magid
University of Minnesota Medical School