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Classical Journal On-Line <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 7 Apr 2008 10:10:52 -0500
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Those interested in reviewing a book for CJ may contact CJ Book Review 
Editor Chris Nappa [log in to unmask] after consulting reviewer guidelines at 

Please note that some of the books listed below may already be assigned to 
a reviewer or that we may choose not to assign some books at all.

ADAMS, J.N. The Regional Diversification of Latin 200 BC–AD 600. Cambridge 
and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Pp. 828. Cloth, $220.00. 
ISBN 978–0–521–88149–4.

COOPER, KATE. The Fall of the Roman Household. Cambridge and New York: 
Cambridge University Press, 2008. Pp. 319. Cloth, $99.00. ISBN 

—— AND JULIA HILLNER, eds. Religion, Dynasty, and Patronage in Early 
Christian Rome, 300–900. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University 
Press, 2007. Pp. 327. Cloth, $99.00. ISBN 978–0–521–87641–4.

DIGNAS, BEATE AND ENGLEBERT WINTER. Rome and Persia in Late Antiquity. 
Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Pp. 347. Paper, 
$32.99. ISBN 978–0–521–61407–8.

DREHEN, MARTIN. Das antike Sizilien. Wissen. Munich: Verlag C.H. Beck, 
2008. Pp. 128. Cloth, €7.90. ISBN 978–3–406–53637–3.

DUBOIS, PAGE. Slaves and Other Objects. Chicago: University of Chicago 
Press, 2008. Pp. 308. Cloth, $22.50. ISBN 0–226–16789–5.

EVANS, RHIANNON. Utopia Antiqua: Readings of the Golden Age and Decline at 
Rome. London and New York: Routledge, 2007. Pp. 234. Cloth, unlisted. ISBN 

HARDWICK, LORNA AND CHRISTOPHER SHAY, eds. A Companion to Classical 
Receptions. Malden, MA, Oxford and Victoria: Blackwell Publishing Company, 
2008. Pp. 538. Cloth, $175.00. ISBN 978–1–4051–5167–2.

LEVENSON, JON D. Resurrection and the Restoration of Israel: The Ultimate 
Victory of the God of Life. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 
2006. Pp. 304. Paper, $18.00. ISBN 978–0–300–11735–3.

LORETO, LUIGI. La Grande Strategia di Roma nell’età della Prima Guerra 
Punica (ca. 273–ca.229 A.C.): L’inizio di un paradosso. Storia politica 
costituzionale e militare del mondo antico. Naples: Jovene editore, 2007. 
Pp. 286. Paper, €18.00. ISBN 88–243–1745–6.

OTTO, ECKART. Das antike Jerusalem: Archäologie und Geschichte. Wissen. 
Munich: Verlag C.H. Beck, 2008. Pp. 128. Cloth, €7.90. ISBN 

PARCA, MARYLINE AND ANGELIKI TZANETOU, eds. Finding Persephone: Women’s 
Rituals in the Ancient Mediterranean. Bloomington: Indiana University 
Press, 2008. Pp. 327. Paper, $24.95. ISBN 978–0–253–21938–1.

RICHARD, CARL J. Greeks & Romans Bearing Gifts: How the Ancients Inspired 
the Founding Fathers. Lanham, MD and Plymouth: Rowman and Littlefield 
Publishers, 2008. Pp. 248. Cloth, $22.95. ISBN 978–0–7425–5623–2.

SALLABERGER, WALTHER. Das Gilgamesch-Epos: Mythos, Werk und Tradition. 
Wissen. Munich: Verlag C.H. Beck, 2008. Pp. 128. Cloth, €7.90. ISBN 

SCHOLTZ, ANDREW. Concordia Discors: Eros and Dialogue in Classical Athenian 
Literature. Hellenic Studies 24. Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard 
University Press, 2008. Pp. 174. Paper, $18.95. ISBN 978–0–674–02598–1.

STONEMAN, RICHARD. Alexander the Great: A Life in Legend. New Haven and 
London: Yale University Press, 2008. Pp. 336. Plates. Paper, $35.00. ISBN 

STROH, WILFRIED. Cicero: Redner, Staatsmann, Philosoph. Wissen. Munich: 
Verlag C.H. Beck, 2008. Pp. 128. Cloth, €7.90. ISBN 978–3–406–56240–2.

Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Pp. 569. Cloth, 
$160.00. ISBN 978–0–521–85982–0.

TELO, MARIO, ed. Eupolidis Demi. Biblioteca Nazionale, Serie dei Classici 
Greci e Latini, Testi con Commento Filologico, NS XIV. Florence: Felice le 
Monnier, 2007. Pp. 790. Paper, €53.00. ISBN 978–88–00–20666–2.

VAN DE MIEROOP, MARC. The Eastern Mediterranean in the Age of Ramesses II. 
Malden, MA, Oxford and Victoria: Blackwell Publishing Company, 2007. Pp. 
297. Cloth, $100.00. ISBN 978–1–4051–6069–8.

WEST, M.L. Indo-European Poetry and Myth. Oxford and New York: Oxford 
University Press, 2007. Pp. 525. Cloth, $145.00. ISBN 978–0–19–928075–9.

Offered by the press: PAPAIOANNOU, SOPHIA. Redesigning Achilles: 
‘Recycling’ the Epic Cycle in the ‘Little Iliad’ (Ovid, Metamorphoses 
12.1–13.622). Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 89. 
Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Publishers, 2007. Pp. xii + 304. Paper, $118.00. 
ISBN 978–3–11–020048–5.

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