I expect there is sill work to be done, but there was significant
effort in Drupal 7 (the current production release) to address
"Drupal 7 is designed to support the development of sites that comply
with WCAG 2.0 and ATAG 2.0. "
The community also put a lot of effort into improving the overall UX
of Drupal (e.g. http://drupal.org/node/204667,
http://drupal.org/node/1166656), and I think the administrative
experience did improve quite a bit from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7. And,
while there is definitely a learning curve, with Drupal, there is
always a way to customize interfaces, workflows, etc for your users
without having to resort to hacking core code.
If you're interested in exploring Drupal and getting deep feedback on
the developer experience, customizability of the software, specific
feedback on your workflow needs, etc, there is quite an active local
Drupal community that meets up a few times a month:
http://groups.drupal.org/twin-cities. There's a meetup dedicated to
Drupal ecommerce, a general meetup and a hacker/coder meetup. Come by
and chat with us over (free) beer and pizza. Oh, we'll also be
holding another Drupalcamp at Keller Hall this May, as we did last
year (http://2011.tcdrupal.org/).
I'm also (always) happy to chat Drupal, so feel free to give me a call
with any questions that you might have.
Web Developer, University of Minnesota Libraries
On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 3:51 PM, Megan Dushin <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Pardon the duplicate posts for those of you on both lists...
> Can anyone speak to the accessibility AND ease of use of their CMS (i.e.,
> Drupal, Plone, etc.)? I'm looking for accessibility (Section 508 + WAI) of
> both the back-end and frontend, and info on how easy it is/was to configure
> the server & customize templates, etc. as a developer, and also to manage
> content as a communicator.
> I'd appreciate any thoughts you'd have.
> Thanks!
> Megan
> --
> Megan Dushin, Web Developer / Project Coordinator
> Institute on Community Integration, CEHD, UMN
> http://ici.umn.edu
> [log in to unmask]
> 612-626-8649