UofMN Web Standards


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UofMN Web Standards <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 30 Mar 2012 09:40:05 -0500
UofMN Web Standards <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Chad Fennell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (92 lines)
"What are the chief benefits?"

Off-the-cuff, I would say database-driven content features (e.g show
posts from XZY category from user "fred" on page "foo" and YXZ
category from the "editor group" on page "bar"); extensibility;
integration; authentication/authorization for end-users; custom
administrative UIs and editorial workflows; features/modules/plugins
for stuff that you might need (e.g. Shib support for authentication).
Depending on the CMS, YMMV.

We use Drupal extensively, both for the U Libraries main and
departmental websites as well as for more custom projects (e.g.
http://ojibwe.lib.umn.edu, https://www.ethicshare.org/,
http://umedia.lib.umn.edu/).  Drupal happens to be our Swiss Army
Knife of choice, one that you can cut yourself with, as with /any/
tool of sufficient capability.  In our situation, we needed to
integrate a wide variety of library platforms with our site, provide
support for a growing body of features that require authenticated
users/roles/etc and still be "administratable" by non-programmers.
Since we were primarily a PHP shop, and because Drupal had/has about
the best/most flexible API in the PHP CMS universe, Drupal was the
clear winner for us.

"We are currently using Dreamweaver. Would Adobe Contribute suffice if
all is going well with my team of web contributors now?"

Not really....unless the problem isn't with your contributors but with
what you are able to offer your end-users with your current setup.  If
the latter is OK, stick with what works, I would say.


It became obvious during the training sessions that UMContent was not
going to support our needs for customization and integration.  But we
actually needed to do lots of this kind of thing, not so for every

Shameless plug:

I'm part of the TC Drupalcamp 2012 planning committee, and we'll be
holding our  camp again this May.  We bring in core developers from
around the country and even the world to this event and will have a
full day "Drupal 101" training for newcomers as we did last year.
These training sessions normally run in excess of $500, so the $20
camp fee is a pretty good value.  Speakers and schedule are
forthcoming, but you can register here if you are interested:


Here is our program from last year, gives you an idea of what we'll be
up to this year: http://2011.tcdrupal.org/schedule

There will be a many opportunities to ask tough questions, get advice
and figure out if Drupal is right for you...


On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Ann Nordby <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Can I please have opinions on content management systems?
> 1. Yes or no?
> We are evaluating the benefits of going to a CMS. What are the chief
> benefits? We are currently using Dreamweaver. Would Adobe Contribute suffice
> if all is going well with my team of web contributors now?
> 2. UMContent?
> Does UMContent work well for anyone? It is centrally supported and free. Any
> problems with it?
> Thank you for your opinions.
> Best,
> Ann
> --
> Ann Nordby
> Web manager
> University of Minnesota | Extension Center for Youth Development
> McNamara Alumni Center
> 200 Oak Street SE, #270B
> Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA
> 1-612-624-2581
> [log in to unmask]
> extension.umn.edu/youth
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