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"Christian C. Young" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Christian C. Young
Tue, 30 Sep 1997 16:08:39 -0500
text/plain (74 lines)
------------ Message ONE begins here ------------
From: [log in to unmask] (Karen Hein)
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 1997 11:34:51 -0800
Subject: job announcement

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS. Tenure-track assistant professor,
beginning Fall 1998. Duties include research, graduate and undergraduate
supervision, committee service, and a teaching load of four quarter courses
per year. Appointment in the Department of Anthropology, Economics, or
Sociology. Research, teaching, and service divided equally between one of
these core departments and the History & Philosophy of Science Program. HPS
offers an undergraduate minor, coordinates HPS graduate training with
Departments of History and Philosophy and with science studies students in
other departments, and has proposed a new undergraduate major in
Science Technology, and Medicine Studies.

The appointee must have Ph.D. and provide evidence of strength in research and
teaching. Minority and women candidates are especially encouraged to apply.
EO/AAE. Application deadline: December 1, 1997. Send CV, three letters of
reference and a sample of written work to Professor James Griesemer, Chair,
Search Committee, History & Philosophy of Science Program, University of
California, Davis, CA 95616-8673, USA. TEL: 916/752-1068, FAX:
916/752-8964, Internet:, Email:
[log in to unmask] Lesley Byrns (Office Manager) TEL and TDD
services: 916/752-1291. FAX: 916/752-3156 E-mail: [log in to unmask]

Thank you for your assistance.

Karen Hein
UC Davis
[log in to unmask] 752 8288

------------ Message ONE ends here ------------
------------ Message TWO begins here ------------

From: "c.g. winder" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1997 15:02:49 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Book of interest to IHPSSB

It is gratefying that a book has been published entitled CHANGING LIFE.
based as an offshoot of the 1993 Brandeis ISHPSSB meeting.

However the subject of LIFE was also addressed at the Brandeis meeting
with a symposium I organized with the title WHAT IS LIFE? DEFINE LIFE. My
reasoning is that before the 'origin' of LIFE is addressed a definition of
LIFE issential. This seemed relevant at the time, and even moreso now,
with the discussion of the destruction of those frozen embryos in the UK.
In addition the occurrence of LIFE on Mars seems to be a principal
objective of the probe. [We are still waiting for an announcement!!]
The proposal has also been raised that LIFE on earth originated on Mars
on the basis of a meteorite found in Antarctica; it sat on a shelf for
12 years before the analysis was done. Some doubts were expressed
in a recent article in the Geological Society of America Newletter.

After searching dictionaries, canvassing ISH members, conducting the
session at Brandeis - which had a most vigorous discussion - and making
other enquiries, a definition of LIFE was composed - 146 words.
Publication? - not exactly a prestigious 'journal'- University of Western
Ontario campus newspaper!! But it did generate a lot of discussion.

If you wish to read this definition, send me an e-mail with a single word
- LIFE - and the article will be sent forthwith.

Gordon Winder, UWO Earth Sciences, Londo, Canada>

------------ Message TWO ends here ------------

Christian C. Young
History of Science and General Science
Mount Angel Seminary
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