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Ann Vogt <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tue, 5 Feb 2008 10:21:51 -0600
text/plain (43 lines)
If you are AT ALL interested in attending the National Convention March
13-16, 2008 in Houston, please email Rhamy at [log in to unmask] This is a
great opportunity to become/keep informed on what is going on in the world
of medicine. Personally, it reminds me why I am in medicine and gets me
excited about all the opportunities out there!
We have some money available to defer the costs, and are planning other
fundraising to get more.
Remember to register before February 12 and save $30!

Some of us already have flights...
This is the flight summary for myself and Anne O'Connor.
Wednesday, March 12
Flight: Northwest Airlines #1157
Depart: Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport, MN (MSP) Wed. March. 12
1:25 PM 
Arrive: Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport, TX (IAH) Wed. March.
12 4:21 PM
Cabin: Coach
Seats: 13-A
Sunday, March 16
Flight: Northwest Airlines #3458 (Operated by MESABA AVIATION/NWA AIRLINK)
Depart: Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport, TX (IAH) Sun. March.
16 12:45 PM 
Arrive: Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport, MN (MSP) Sun. March. 16
3:36 PM
Cabin: Coach
Seats: 17-A

This is Jeremy Johnson's flight summary.
Wednesday, March 12
Flight: Northwest Airlines #1540
Depart: Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport, MN (MSP) Wed. March. 12
7:05 PM 
Arrive: Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport, TX (IAH) Wed. March.
12 10:04 PM
Cabin: Coach
Seats: Not Assigned
Sunday, March 16
Flight: Northwest Airlines #5712 (Operated by PINNACLE AIRLINES/NWA AIRLINK)
Depart: Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport, TX (IAH) Sun. March.
16 11:50 AM 
Arrive: Memphis