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Sun, 1 Feb 2015 10:52:03 -0600
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----- Reply message -----
From: "Anderson Tom" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [AMSA-LIST] Attention Payment Notification.
Date: Sun, Feb 1, 2015 9:59 AM

Union Pay/ATM Compensation Payment Notification.

Attention Dear ATM Holder.

MASTER/VISA CARD and the ATM International Inc. wishes to congratulate you on the successful emergence in our ongoing fund remittance promo of all ATM card users around the globe. This scheme was initiated by the C.U.P and the ATM Inc. to compensate ATM card users and also to help the world in the sustainable poverty alleviation scheme. In regards to this, we wish to inform you that your ATM compensation funds valued at ($200.000, 00 dollars) Two hundred thousand united state dollars has been authorized to be released to you through our corresponding financial institution in China and Burkina-Faso.

World Union Pay is a leading operator approved by China's Welfare Lottery Center to develop and operate real-time electronic paperless lottery services in United Kingdom and around the globe, in accordance with the rules and regulations set by United Kingdom Welfare Lottery Center as a result of a joint development effort by the World Union Pay and the ATM inc to all ATM card users worldwide. You are hereby requested to fill the information below to enable our remittance agent Mr. Anderson Tom. Process your won fund.

Required information:1. Full Name: 
2. Phone and Fax Number: 
3. Address Were You Want Them to Send the ATM Card to (P.O Box Not Acceptable) 
4. Your Age and Current Occupation: 
5. A copy of your ID for identification: 
6. Country: 
7. sex: 

Note that because of impostors, we hereby issued you our code, which is (ATM-3714) so you have to indicate this code when contacting the card center by using it as your subject.  
Yours in Service
Mr. Anderson.