Tue, 23 Jul 2002 10:05:53 CDT
Okay, I know everybody is busy with finals, I have a quick request (read
plead--imgaine me on my knees, begging). AMSA has a program to recruit new
members by giving away a free Netter's with membership dues, which are the
same price as a Netter's in the bookstore. Since the first year schedule
is changing and they are going to take an intensive anatomy class, if this
promotion is going to work, the recruitment drive needs to happen early.
So, if anyone is going to be around and free on August 9th or 15th to help
out with this, please let me know. It would only take 2-3 hours of your
valuable vacation time and we can figure out the best time of day for you.
Please contact me as soon as possible at (612) 843-0327. I would really
appreciate anyone who will be around's help. It would be a great chance to
me incoming first-years and a great guy from the Mayo Medical School who is
here getting his MPH--Brian Palmer--he is also very active in AMSA and can
probably tell you anything you want to know.
GOOD LUCK WITH FINALS!! Remember to take deep breaths.
Take the best of care,
Celia Garner soon to be MS 2