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Fri, 17 Jan 2003 11:57:08 -0600
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MAP Advocacy Update
January 17, 2003

1.  "Just Say 'No' and 'I Do'"  Community Forum, Monday, January 27
2.  Capitol Talk - Budget and More

For continued updates on the budget process and other legislative news,
check the MAP Advocate online at

1.  "Just Say 'No' and 'I Do'"?Monday, January 27,
                               7:00 P.M.  (6:30 Registration)
                          Intermedia Arts
                                 2822 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis

It used to be that social conservatives would just introduce bills at the
State Capitol saying schools or public health agencies could not offer
services - like HIV prevention - that "promoted homosexuality." Well, now
the message is "abstinence-until-marriage." The only thing we should be
teaching young people is to remain abstinent until they get married. Never
mind the fact there's no research to show this approach works and there are
all sorts of research showing the effectiveness of a more comprehensive
approach. Plus, never mind that "until marriage" conveniently leaves out
all those queer folks who can't marry. They're going to be talking this one
up again this year in Saint Paul. Get ready to make some noise yourself.

Plan to come to hear James Wagoner, Executive Director of Advocates for
Youth, a Washington DC-based international adolescent health organization.
James spoke at MOAPPP's conference two years ago and received rave reviews!
Advocates for Youth is a key organization in the national advocacy efforts
for comprehensive sexuality education and GLBT issues.

This is a MAP Community Forum, co-sponsored by MAP, PrideAlive, Sex Ed for
Life Coalition, and Outfront.  Intermedia Arts, 2822 Lyndale Avenue South
in Minneapolis.
Registration starts at 6:30 and the forum starts at 7. This forum is being
cosponsored by MAP, PrideAlive, Sex Ed for Life and Outfront.  To register,
call MOAPPP, 651-644-1447 ext.0 or email [log in to unmask]

2.  Capitol Talk - Budget & More

HF29 introduced by Rep. Fran Bradley [R-Rochester] is one of the first
bills introduced proposing a new tax.  It proposes raising the tax on
cigarettes by $1 per pack and includes an off-setting reduction in the
provider tax that pays for Minnesota Care.  Bill sponsors say this does not
constitute a new tax because its "revenue neutral." However, in the end the
new tax will produce a net increase in revenue.   It begs the question:
Then exactly when is a new tax actually a new tax and when is it not a new
tax?...Cuts in the Governor's short-term budget reduction plan will result
in service reductions.  Two areas of interest to communities affected by
HIV include cuts in substance use treatment subsidies and a big cut in
funding for legal aid services. . .   You hear the administration argue
that state spending is going up 14% while revenue is only going up 7% --
they say it proves we have a spending problem.  What we are not told is the
14% includes new spending paid for with federal dollars while the 7%
revenue figure only includes state revenue.  It's like comparing apples
with a fruit salad.