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American Medical Student Association


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Sara Axtell <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 12 Jan 2006 10:43:50 -0600
text/plain (34 lines)
Hello. I wanted to let you all know that at the end of January, I will be 
leaving my position in the Medical School.  I am taking a new position  as 
Community-Campus Health Liaison, which will bring together resources from 
the AHC, the College of Human Ecology, and the Extension service.  The 
position will focus on creating an infrastructure for interprofessional 
service learning, both in rural and urban settings.  I'm quite excited 
about the potential impact of the work I will be doing, but I will miss 
very much my daily interactions with all of you.    I am hopeful, though, 
that I will get a chance to work with you in my new position, albeit in a 
different capacity.

It has been a privilege and a delight to work with AMSA members, and I wish 
you all the best of luck in your future work.  My email address should stay 
the same, so hopefully we can keep in contact.

All my best wishes,


Sara Axtell, Ph.D.

Associate Director
Educational Development and Research
University of Minnesota Medical School

Powderhorn-Phillips Cultural Wellness Center

420 Delaware St. SE, MMC 293
Minneapolis, MN  55455