MAP Advocate - Special Edition
There are some hearings coming up over the next week that are of interest
to advocates concerned about HIV prevention and care. Visit the MAP Web
site ( for background information and for help
contacting legislators
( crafting
letters to the editor (
Tuesday, March 18 - Abstinence-until-marriage/condoms-don't-work
On Tuesday, March 18, the House Education Committee will resume its hearing
on HF 580 - Rep. Sondra Erickson's [R-Princeton]
abstinence-until-marriage/condoms-don't-work education bill. The hearing
will be at 8:15 a.m. in Room 200 of the State Office Building. Even if you
can't attend the hearing, this is a good time to contact your legislators,
members of the Education Committee and/or to send off a letter to the
Go to to find out
Tuesday, March 25 - Comprehensive Sexual Health Education
A hearing on the sex ed issues is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday
evening, March 25 in the Senate. In all likelihood, the committee will
take up SF 851 - Sen. Mee Moua's [DFL-StP] comp sex ed bill and SF 747,
which Sen. Wergin [R-Princeton] introduced as the Senate companion to HF
580. A confirmed committee schedule will probably be released this
Thursday, so please visit MAP's web site at that time for details. Again,
contacting your legislators, members of the Senate Education Committee
and/or sending off letters to the editor are actions you can take.
Go to to find out
Friday, March 21 - Human Rights Sexual Orientation Protections
The Senate Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing this Friday, March 21
on the "sexual orientation repeal bill." SF 545 introduced by Sen.
Jungebauer [R-East Bethal] as the companion to Rep. Arlon Lindner's
[R-Corcoran] HF 341. The hearing will be at 1 p.m. in Room 15 of the State
Capitol. Those who want to testify should contact the committee's
administrator at [log in to unmask] We expect supporters of this
bill will be arguing that it promotes homosexuality and encourages young
people to enter a lifestyle that promises a "holocaust of AIDS and STDs,"
they will also saying they don't oppose rights to employment or housing --
they just don't want to be forced to have to teach "this stuff" in schools.
Go to to find out
March 19 - Health Budget in Duluth
On Wednesday, March 19 the Senate Health, Human Services and Corrections
Budget Division committee will hold a hearing on the Governor's proposed
budget in Duluth. It will be at noon in the City Council Chambers. This
is a chance for our advocates in Dultuth, the Iron Range and the Arrowhead
to let lawmakers know what they think about proposed cuts in health care
coverage through Medical Assistance and General Assistance Medical Care,
and the importance of maintaining our investments in HIV and STD
prevention, health care and social services.
Note: The next regular issue of the MAP Advocate will be published on
March 20.