Mon, 7 Apr 2008 14:55:38 -0500
Hey there sports-fans!
Just wanted to remind you about Health Policy and a Pint, going down
tomorrow at the Kitty Kat Club in Dinkytown. We'll be talking about
raising revenue for health care, which I assure you is at least four
times more riveting than it sounds. I just posted a lot of interesting
background material at our blog, which is:
If you get a chance, peruse the information, or even write a comment
(you might just be the first one!). If you're short on time, we'll
briefly present the basics to kick off our discussion tomorrow, and
I'll bring hard copies of many of the articles with me.
Once again:
Kitty Kat Club
Tuesday, April 8
5-7 pm
Health Policy
Be there (or you know what you will be that rhymes with there and is a