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Joshua Rhein [log in to unmask]
Reply To:
Tue, 18 Nov 2003 00:24:57 -0600
text/plain (82 lines)
For those interested in international health:

Read message and check out the following website for information on the
Travel and Tropical Medicine Seminar Series.  The link for the
International Residency Pathway is particularly relevant for medical

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Bill Stauffer
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 11:14 AM
Subject: Please help with the TTM website!!!!

Dear TTM Seminar Participants,

In keeping with our philosophy of improving community ties and
furthering education we would like to request your assistance in
constructing our
website to further our goals (  A specific goal of
tropical and travel medicine seminar/group is to inspire and educate
exceptional individuals to pursue careers serving disadvantaged persons
and investigating under-represented diseases.  I am writing to request
assistance from students, residents, community and academic health
professionals.  We would like to make the website a valuable resource
for connecting trainees and trainers, by posting on-going research and
projects, and other items of interest to participants.

If you are a:

Health Professional willing to act as a mentor for students or residents
international health, cross-cultural health,  infectious disease, etc...
please contact me with your name and title, interest area (a brief
if desired), contact information.

Health Professional looking for research assistants (volunteer or paid)
international health, cross-cultural health, infectious disease,
etc...please contact me with your name and title, the general areas of
research and any details desired.

If you are a resident or health professional involved in a project that
involves the latter areas please let me know as we like to feature
activities in our community--give me the project, names of persons and
details you would like posted.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.  Thank you for your
assistance--it is involvement of exceptional people like yourselves that
make our community, and our world, a better place.


Bill Stauffer

William Stauffer MD, MSPH, DTM&H
Regions Hospital
     Center for International Health and International Travel Clinic
     640 Jackson Street
     St. Paul, MN. 55101
     (651) 254-1900
University of Minnesota
     Department of Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease
     Department of Pediatrics, Emergency Medicine

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