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Anne O'Connor <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Anne O'Connor <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 1 Sep 2008 18:46:07 -0500
text/plain (1960 bytes) , PublicViewMap.PDF (244 kB) , text/plain (-1 MB)

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Anne O'Connor, your AMSA  
national Culture of Medicine Policy Coordinator and 3rd-year student  
at the U of M med school. I wanted to make you aware of some health  
care events that are going on surrounding the Republican National  
Convention in St. Paul this week. This is a great way to get involved  
and meet other people who share your passion for healthcare justice.  

Tomorrow (Tuesday 9/2) is the March For Our Lives, supporting health  
care for all, brought to you by the Poor People’s Economic Human  
Rights Campaign. It would be great to have some white coats out there!  
It all kicks off at 4pm Mears Park, Saint Paul. For more information,  
visit Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign website, 
. We're going to coordinate rides from campus, so contact me if you  
need a ride, or if you're planning on driving and have space in your  

Wednesday, 9/3 at 12:15pm I will be speaking at the open forum stage  
as part of a larger discussion of citizenship and advocacy. It's going  
to be a 15 minute brief on health economics and how we can apply some  
simple rules to make sense of the health care debate. I can promise  
that it will be informative and useful - I'm hoping it will be  
interesting as well. I'm pretty much petrified, so having some U of M  
support out there would be fantastic! The stage is set up on the  
corner of W 7th St and W 6th St, right across from the Excel. A map is  
attached (see pink area).

Every day of the convention (9/1 - 9/4) medical students will be  
staffing street medicine clinics for delegates and activists. Even if  
you missed the training last Thursday, you can still get involved.  
Contact Hannah Shacter ([log in to unmask]) if you're interested.

Hope to see you this week at the convention!

Anne O'Connor
University of Minnesota Medical School MS3
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