Hello again AMSA members,
Apologies for the late notice, but I wanted to make you aware of this
legislative opportunity the John Thomas Egan recently brought to my
attention. This is exactly the type of thing I know many of you are
interested in; so do take advantage if you can and make your voice
heard. Get in touch with the beautiful, recently bald-faced (and
blond-haired, as I understand) Mr. Egan at [log in to unmask]
See below for details:
There is a senate hearing on the John Marty Single Payer bill next
Monday. The senator would love to have some medical students. I am
getting out an e-mail via Kirk so you should get that soon.
The rally was awesome yesterday. There is a lot of energy in this
topic. We got on the news.
Hearing Monday Feb 18 12:30 pm till 3:00
Room G-15, Capitol Building
Bring white coat/ stethoscope.
Elizabeth Frost