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Cori Russell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Cori Russell <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 12 Nov 2009 18:14:53 -0600
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Hey Jill,

I'm actually the Co-President of Cardiovascular Disease Interest Group as
well as AMSA.  Who did you email that isn't writing you back?  I'll crush
some skulls for you.  (:

We're definitely interested in cosponsoring, and I had actually just talked
to Noah (EMIG president) about this today.  It looks like you're also
meeting with Dr. Watson with us about this and the resuscitation workshop
we're putting on in February.

Do you have a date in mind for this event?  Since there are three separate
student groups collaborating (plus student council), we can get a Student
Services Fee grant pretty easily if we have time to apply.

Let's chat some more.  This sounds great!


On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 6:09 PM, Jill Crosby <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi Cori!
> It's Jill, one of the MS1s you met at the AMSA speed friending event.  I
> just became the MS1 OSR representative in our student council and I wanted
> to ask you about co-sponsoring a lunch lecture.  I have been working with
> Dr. Reardon, head of HCMC's emergency department ultrasound fellowship, to
> try to get bedside ultrasound training incorporated into our school's
> curriculum.  We both believe ultrasound imaging is the way of the future and
> it is essential for our school to be teaching it.  There is a lot of
> evidence that it improves the physical exam and is better at diagnosing and
> detecting many human pathologies than historical methods of percussion and
> palpation, etc. If you would like more information I would be happy to send
> you some links.
> My classmates and some other student council members are really excited
> about working on this and we want to get the word out there.  We have been
> writing letters to the administration and are planning to form a committee
> for ultrasound curriculum development.
> Dr. Reardon and a sonographer from HCMC's resident training program would
> like to speak about why ultrasound is such an important skill for medical
> schools to be teaching, how it improves patient care, and how it is applied
> in clinical practice.   He can show some video images and talk about
> ultrasound guided procedures, give a comparison with other imaging methods
> such as xray and ct, and hopefully give some useful pointers to med students
> going into 3rd and 4th year rotations. They may also be able to bring in
> ultrasound machines for a demonstration.  My hope is to invite
> administrative faculty and course directors along with students to attend
> Dr. Reardon's presentation.   The Emergency Medicine Interest Group is going
> to be co-sponsoring and I am waiting to hear back from the Cardiology
> interest group too.  If you would be interested in helping out let me know
> and we can work out the details.
> Thanks a lot,
> Jill