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Nathan Wanderman <[log in to unmask]>
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Nathan Wanderman <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 25 Oct 2012 12:32:26 -0500
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Hello AMSA!

We have some exciting lunch lectures coming up in the next few weeks.  First, on Monday October 29th there is an exciting lunch lecture in Moos 2-650 on alternative medical careers.  This panel discussion features people who have gone into medical administration, advocacy, and government work using their medical degrees.  So we can get the right amount of food, RSVP in the next 2 days to Evan James at [log in to unmask] (see flier below).

Next, on Tuesday October 30, we will be having a pre-election lunch lecture in Moos 2-530. This lecture will cover major health topics that are being debated by candidates in this year's election--a great resource for anyone who is curious about how this election will shape health care in Minnesota and the US.

Then, on November 20th, we will be hosting a post-election lunch lecture also in Moos 2-530 to debrief the election and learn more about how the outcome of the election will shape health care policy.

Hope to see you all at each of these exciting lectures!

Nathan Wanderman
UMN AMSA President