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Quy TonAMSA [log in to unmask]
Reply To:
Fri, 07 Feb 2003 10:05:45 -0600
text/plain (45 lines)
Hey SNMA and AMSA folks,

Our first planning meeting for the Cultural Arts Show (tentatively entitled 
"Harambe") is set for next Monday at 12:15 in Mayo B646.

A slight shift in focus, which we think will make planning for the show 
easier and more enjoyable: We will be inviting members of the local 
community to perform and display their artistic talents and experiences in 
addition to the folks here at our med school.  Since many of us have local 
connections, we will be seeking your input on whom to involve in our 1st 
Cultural Arts Show on Sat., April 5th, in the brand new Coffman Theater, a 
430-seat multi-media theater that has a much more intimate atmosphere than 
either PWB 2-470 or MT 2-650.

As we mentioned at our last meetings, planning for the show and fundraising 
will require the help of all SNMA and AMSA members as well as other 
interested classmates in order for the show to be a successful annual event 
that brings together (Harambe) our entire medical school along with the 
community in which we belong.

Please try to attend this first meeting as we will start dividing up duties 
into three committees (Performance/Tech; Fundraising; Advertising).  It will 
be important to see how much wo/manpower we have -- the more people we have 
involved, the less work for each of us and the more successful our efforts 
will be.  If you are unable to attend the meeting, please email Quy or Cuong 
(Coo) to tell us which committee you want to join prior to the meeting, if 

We'll send an email over the weekend to let you know what ideas and the 
overall vision we have so far.  Please feel free to provide input before the 
first meeting.  We look forward to your ideas and suggestions.

Quy and Cuong

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