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Charles Billington <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Anne Vogt <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 17 May 2007 23:22:54 -0500
text/plain (22 lines)
Hello AMSA folks,

	I am writing you tonight to let you know (or remind you) about the  
1st (?) annual AMSA summer retreat. We are hoping to all get together  
over some good food and talk about what we want to do as a group this  
coming year. By getting everyone together early we will be in a great  
position later this summer when the new class comes in to get going  
right away on an awesome year. We can set goals and brainstorm a bit  
how to achieve them and plan what kinds of activities we want to do  
and how to do them. It would be great if everyone could make it so we  
can have as much input as possible.
	We will be gathering for a barbecue after the sexuality symposium at  
6:00 pm on Tuesday at Ann Vogt's house. Her address is 1320 4th St.  
NE. Here are directions from the U: West on 4th St. SE, left on 1st  
Ave. (T intersection), immediate right on University Ave. NE, right  
on 13 Ave. NE, one block then left on 4th St. NE.
	Dinner is potluck, so bring a dish (side, main-dish, or dessert) to  
share, or meat/veggies for the grill, or beverages.

Charlie Billington
AMSA Co-Secretary