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Catherine McLaughlin [log in to unmask]
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Thu, 14 Jul 2005 16:34:53 -0500
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University of Minnesota, Center for Spirituality and Healing
Summer 2005 Calendar of Events, Workshops, Conferences, Lectures

July 26-28 ~ Global Conference on the Role of Traditional Medicine in=20
Reproductive Health
The main goal of this global conference is to harness the thoughts and=20
experiences of conventional and traditional healthcare providers, as well=20
as all others concerned, towards finding the most effective ways to improve=
the standards of healthcare practice at the traditional level, and how best=
to successfully integrate traditional medicine into the global clinical=20
practice.  This conference will broadly discuss and examine in real terms=20
the success and strength of traditional medicines in addressing=20
reproductive health issues in men and women.   For more information visit=20 or contact J. William Danquah at 651-646-4721 or email=
[log in to unmask]

List of speakers and topics:
(1) "L'accouchement Maternel Traditionnel pour une mieux =EAtre de=20
l'Humanit=E9" by Dr. Erick Gbodossou, President, Association for the=20
Promotion of Traditional Medicine (PROMETRA), Senegal.

(2) =93Eliminating Inhumane Barriers in Medical Practice: An Allopath=92s=20
Perspective=94 by Richard Nagler, MD, Department of Internal Medicine,=
Medical Center-Mayo Health System, Wisconsin, USA.

(3) "The Significant Role of Traditional Chinese Medicine In Feminine=20
Sterility" by Dr. Junying Fu, Institute of Scientific & Technical=20
Information, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of=

(4) "Consciousness and Traditional Medicine Among Salish Tribes of the=20
Pacific Northwest" by Dr. Rudolph Ryser, Member, Teitnapum Cowlitz Tribe,=20
Founding Chair and Executive Director, Center for World Indigenous Studies,=
Olympia, Washington, USA.
(5) "The Use of Guided Imagery as a Healing Tool Against Cancer and Other=20
Catastrophic Diseases" by Dr. Patti Leviton, Board Member, American=20
Holistic Health Association, USA.

(6) "Traditional Healers in the Prevention & Care of HIV/AIDS" by Dr.=20
Rodwell Vongo, President, Traditional Health Practitioners Association of=20
Zambia (THPAZ), Zambia.

(7) "The Adverse Effects of Chemical Dependency On American Indian=20
Communities" by Suzanne Koepplinger, Executive Director, Minnesota Indian=20
Women's Resource Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

(8) "The Importance of Herbal Medicine In Reproductive Health" by Professor=
Toshihiro Nohara, Incoming President of the Japanese Pharmacognosy Society,=

(9) "Identification of Local Plant Species Used To Support Reproductive=20
Health In the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania" by Rebecca Warne=20
Peters, MPH, Department of Anthropology, Brown University, Providence,=20
Rhodes Island, USA.

(10) "Science and the Unseen: Modern Insights Into Ancient Traditions and=20
Possibilities for real "Cure" by Dr. Patricia A. Muehsam, Associate=20
Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA.

(11) "Traditional Chinese Medicine Should Go On its Own Way" by Professor=20
Quian Jia, Institute of Scientific & Technical Information, Ministry of=20
Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China.

(12) "Adaptations of Traditional Medicine To Contemporary Health Problems=20
Among Native Americans with special emphasis on HIV-AIDS" by Dr. Ben=20
Muneta, President, American Indian Physicians Association, Washington, USA.

(13) "The Role of Traditional Healers' Counseling and Referral of Patients=
In Improving the Quality of Reproductive Health in Uganda" by Dr. Dorothy=20
Balaba, Director, Traditional & Modern Health Care Providers Together=20
Against AIDS (THETA), Uganda.

(14) =93Indigenous Health Beliefs, Attitudes and Practices: A Challenge to=
HIV/AIDS Prevention and Promotion Strategies=94 by Dr Fhumulani Mavis=20
Mulaudzi, Senior Lecturer, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

(15) "Traditional African Healers: Their Role In The Fight Against HIV/AIDS=
in South Africa" by Rebecca Rogerson, Traditional African Healer and=20
Consultant of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Support, Ontario, Canada.

(16) "Integrating Traditional and Integrative Medicine for the Treatment of=
Diabetes In an Indigenous Community in rural Mexico" by Dr. Leslie Korn,=20
Director, The Center for Traditional Medicine, Olympia, Washington, USA.

(17) "Asian Medicine and Reproductive Health: Five Years of Clinical=20
Observations With a Refugee Population" by Barbara Gosse, LAc, Hennepin=20
Faculty Associates, Alternative Medicine Clinic, Minneapolis, Minnesota,=

(18) "Traditional Medicine and International Policy: The Present State of=20
Self Determination" by Mirjam Hirch, MA, Fellow in Traditional Healing Arts=
Policy, Center for World Indigenous Studies, Olympia, Washington, USA.

(19) "Utilization of Complementary and Integrative Medicine In Women's=20
Health" by Marc S. Micozzi, MD, PhD, Director, Policy Institute  for=20
Integrative Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia,=

(20) =93Preserving the Midwife: Integrating Traditional Family Systems of=20
Care for Women in Indigenous and Global Communities=94 by Keylee Marineau=20
graduate student, Center for Traditional Medicine, Olympia, Washington, USA.

(21) "Understanding Sexual and Reproductive Health Problems Among=20
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Males" by Mick Adams, Board Member,=20
the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, Australia.

(22) "Defending The Right To Preserve Native American Indians' Traditional=
Medicines and Waters" by Patricia Bellanger, Representative of=20
International Indian Treaty Council, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

(23) =93The Case of collaboration between Traditional Health Practitioners=
and Modern Medicine-Scientists=94 by Nyine Bitahwa, Traditional Healer,=20
Rukararwe Partnership Workshop for Rural Development, Uganda.

(24) =93Training of Traditional Healers in Herbal Tree Nursery, Sustainable=
Harvest, Conservation, Production and Sourcing for Medicinal Uses=94 by Anke=
Weisheit, Director, Rukararwe Partnership Workshop for Rural Development,=20

(25) =93The Role of Traditional Healing Practices In Women=92s Reproductive=
Health =96 The Connection To the Land, Spirit and the Past=94 by Elaine=
and Mahinekura Reinfeld, Maori Traditional Healers, Maketu, New Zealand.

(26) "Contribution of Traditional Midwives to the Reduction of Maternal and=
Neonatal Mortality in Mali" by Rokia Sanogo, Ph.D, Consultant on Gender=20
Analysis and Traditional Medicine in Primary HealthCare and Assistant=20
Professor of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy &=20
Odonto-stomatology, University of Mali, Bamako, Mali.

(27) "The Synergistic Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine" by Yinghong=20
Liu, B.Sc. Engineering, MBA, PhD Student in Phytochemistry, Nanyang=20
Technological University, Singapore.

(28) "Integrated Health Care (The New World Medicine): From The Perspective=
Of A Holistic Physician" by Carolyn Torkelson, MD, MS, Assistant Professor,=
Department of Family Medicine & Community Health, Women's Health Center,=20
University of Minnesota.

(29) American Indian Movement: Fulfilling the Prophecy" by Clyde H.=20
Bellecourt, Executive Director, American Indian Movement, Minneapolis,=20

(30) "Traditional Medicine and HIV/AIDS In Ghana - Challenges,=20
Opportunities and Prospects" by Kenneth Danso, President, Ghana National=20
Association of Traditional Healers, Accra, Ghana.

(31) =93Traditional Phyto-therapy in response to Reproductive problems in=
Capricorn District of the Limpopo Province, South Africa=94 by Sejabaledi=20
Rankoana, Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, University of Limpopo, South=

(32) "Preserving Traditional Healing Methods" by Herb Sam, Native American=
Anishinabe/Ojibwe Traditional Healer, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

(33) "The causes of infertility in men and the successes and challenges of=
modern medicine to prevent or cure it" by Professor Jon Pryor, Chair,=20
Department of Urologic Surgery at the University of Minnesota, past=20
Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Andrology and Past-President of the=20
American Society of Andrology, Minnesota.

(34) "Reproductive Health: Hmong Traditional Religion and Shamanism" by Mr.=
Txong Pao Lee, Executive Director, Hmong Resource Center, Saint Paul,=20

(35) =93Protecting and Promoting Ancient Ojibwe Cultural and Traditional Way=
of Life Towards Disease Prevention, Family and Community Development=94 by=
Melanie Benjamin, Executive Director, Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, Onamia,=20

(36) "Testosterone levels in aging men: How much is enough?" by Dr. Bruce=20
Redmon, Assistant Professor of the Department of Urologic Surgery,=20
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

(37) =93The Impact and Prevention of HIV/AIDS Among African Community in=20
Minnesota=94 by Elizabeth Namarra, HIV/STD Section, Department of Health,=20
Minneapolis, Minessota.

(38) =93The Development of an Effective Treatment and/or a New Class of=20
Safer-Non-toxic Nutritional Therapy and the need for HIV/AIDS Clinical=20
Trials for Acquiring Immune Sufficiency and Adaptation (AISAA)=94 by Rev.=
Steven C. Hall, D.Div., Phd., Director/CEO/Founder, Optimal Nutrition=20
Education (ONE), Center for Natural Healing Technologies and Services, LLC,=
Washington DC.

(39) "The Application of Herbal Texts as a tool to Resurrect Lost=20
Traditional Medicine Knowledge" by Eric J. Buenz, Ethnobotanist, Mayo=20
Clinic College of Medicine, Complementary & Integrative Medicine Program,=20
Rochester, Minnesota.

(40) "The Beginning of our Life Journey" by Dr. Zeal Okogeri, Chiropractor,=
Spiritual Scholar & Author, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

July 30-31 ~ Wellness Festival!  Alternative Medicine Weekend at Eagle Bluff
The goal of this festival is to bring people together to share ideas on=20
healthy lifestyles.  It is designed to give the opportunity to sample a=20
broad selection of wellness topics.  It should enable participants to=20
approach or speak to your conventional primary physician about=20
complementary alternative medicines. The fee for the weekend is $200 per=20
person with dormitory-style lodging at Eagle Bluff available for an=20
additional $35 per person.  Single day registrations are available for=20
$125.  For more information: [log in to unmask] or=

September 2 ~ Minnesota State Fair
Visit the Center for Spirituality & Healing booth at the University of=20
Minnesota Building from 3:00 to 9:00 pm.

Ongoing Programs

Learn Skills to Live and Cope with Stress: An 8-Week Stress Reduction=20
Program - Fall program begins September 14 - November 2 (morning sessions)=
and July 15 - November 3, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is=20
learning to learning to take control of our lives, being aware of=20
influences that affect our well-being and health, finding peace-of-mind and=
balance in an oftentimes chaotic world. MBSR will teach you to consciously=
and methodically deal with stress, pain, illness, and the demanding=20
challenges of everyday life.

Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. (morning program) or 6:30 to 9:00 pm (evening=20
Cost: $325 includes program fee and all materials
Place: Meditation Room, Mayo Memorial Building, 3rd floor
420 Delaware Street, S.E.
U of M, East Bank campus, Minneapolis
Call 612-624-9459 to register

July 20th - November 8th at The Marsh; A Center for Balance and Fitness
Cost: $345 members and $395 non-members includes program fee and all=
Call 612-624-9459 to register

The Inner Life Renewal Program
The Center for Spirituality & Healing is pleased to offer The Inner Life=20
Renewal Program, a ground breaking growth and renewal program.  Few if any,=
courses prepared us for the life challenges that test our passion, inner=20
strength, spirit and resilience.  Designed to support health professionals=
from all walks of life better prepare for and continue their life's work.

Day Retreat:  October 7, 2005
Time: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Cost: $150 includes continental breakfast, lunch, program fee and all=
Place: Minnesota Arboretum
Call 612-626-2395 to register

Retreat Series Begins: November 4-6, 2005
Time: Friday, 5:00 pm to Sunday 1:00 pm (other retreats are Thursday=20
through Friday)
Cost: $1,750 includes food and lodging, program fee and all materials
Place:  Retreat Centers near the Twin Cities
For further details on the retreat series or to register, call 612-626-2395

Please feel free to share this email notice with others.  For more=20
information on the Center for Spirituality and Healings certificate=20
programs and academic courses this fall please go to

If you would like to stop receiving these notices please send a return=20
email with "unsuscribe" in the subject line.

Catherine (Cass) McLaughlin,
Outreach Coordinator
Center for Spirituality and Healing
Academic Health Center
University of Minnesota
Mayo Mail Code 505
C588 Mayo Memorial Building
420 Delaware Street SE
Minneapolis, MN  55455
Telephone:  612-626-2395
Facsimile:  612-626-5280
Email:  [log in to unmask]

Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<font size=3D5><b>University of Minnesota, Center for Spirituality and
Summer 2005 Calendar of Events, Workshops, Conferences,=20
</font><font size=3D4>July 26-28 ~ Global Conference on the Role of
Traditional Medicine in Reproductive Health<br>
</b>The main goal of this global conference is to harness the thoughts
and experiences of conventional and traditional healthcare providers, as
well as all others concerned, towards finding the most effective ways to
improve the standards of healthcare practice at the traditional level,
and how best to successfully integrate traditional medicine into the
global clinical practice.&nbsp; This conference will broadly discuss and
examine in real terms the success and strength of traditional medicines
in addressing reproductive health issues in men and women.&nbsp;&nbsp;
For more information visit
<a href=3D"" eudora=3D"autourl">
or contact J. William Danquah at 651-646-4721 or email=
 [log in to unmask]<br><br>
List of speakers and topics:<br>
<dl><font size=3D2>
<dd>(1) &quot;L'accouchement Maternel Traditionnel pour une mieux =EAtre de=
 l'Humanit=E9&quot; by Dr. Erick Gbodossou, President, Association for the=
 Promotion of Traditional Medicine (PROMETRA), Senegal.<br><br>

<dd>(2) =93Eliminating Inhumane Barriers in Medical Practice: An Allopath=92=
s Perspective=94 by Richard Nagler, MD, Department of Internal Medicine,=
 Barron Medical Center-Mayo Health System, Wisconsin, USA.<br><br>

<dd>(3) &quot;The Significant Role of Traditional Chinese Medicine In=
 Feminine Sterility&quot; by Dr. Junying Fu, Institute of Scientific &amp;=
 Technical Information, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's=
 Republic of China.<br><br>

<dd>(4) &quot;Consciousness and Traditional Medicine Among Salish Tribes of=
 the Pacific Northwest&quot; by Dr. Rudolph Ryser, Member, Teitnapum Cowlitz=
 Tribe, Founding Chair and Executive Director, Center for World Indigenous=
 Studies, Olympia, Washington, USA.
<dd>(5) &quot;The Use of Guided Imagery as a Healing Tool Against Cancer and=
 Other Catastrophic Diseases&quot; by Dr. Patti Leviton, Board Member,=
 American Holistic Health Association, USA.
<dd>(6) &quot;Traditional Healers in the Prevention &amp; Care of=
 HIV/AIDS&quot; by Dr. Rodwell Vongo, President, Traditional Health=
 Practitioners Association of Zambia (THPAZ), Zambia.
<dd>(7) &quot;The Adverse Effects of Chemical Dependency On American Indian=
 Communities&quot; by Suzanne Koepplinger, Executive Director, Minnesota=
 Indian Women's Resource Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.<br><br>

<dd>(8) &quot;The Importance of Herbal Medicine In Reproductive Health&quot;=
 by Professor Toshihiro Nohara, Incoming President of the Japanese=
 Pharmacognosy Society, Japan.<br><br>

<dd>(9) &quot;Identification of Local Plant Species Used To Support=
 Reproductive Health In the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania&quot; by=
 Rebecca Warne Peters, MPH, Department of Anthropology, Brown University,=
 Providence, Rhodes Island, USA.<br><br>

<dd>(10) &quot;Science and the Unseen: Modern Insights Into Ancient=
 Traditions and Possibilities for real &quot;Cure&quot; by Dr. Patricia A.=
 Muehsam, Associate Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York,=

<dd>(11) &quot;Traditional Chinese Medicine Should Go On its Own Way&quot;=
 by Professor Quian Jia, Institute of Scientific &amp; Technical=
 Information, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of=

<dd>(12) &quot;Adaptations of Traditional Medicine To Contemporary Health=
 Problems Among Native Americans with special emphasis on HIV-AIDS&quot; by=
 Dr. Ben Muneta, President, American Indian Physicians Association,=
 Washington, USA.<br><br>

<dd>(13) &quot;The Role of Traditional Healers' Counseling and Referral of=
 Patients In Improving the Quality of Reproductive Health in Uganda&quot; by=
 Dr. Dorothy Balaba, Director, Traditional &amp; Modern Health Care=
 Providers Together Against AIDS (THETA), Uganda.<br><br>

<dd>(14) =93Indigenous Health Beliefs, Attitudes and Practices: A Challenge=
 to HIV/AIDS Prevention and Promotion Strategies=94 by Dr Fhumulani Mavis=
 Mulaudzi, Senior Lecturer, University of Pretoria, South Africa.<br><br>

<dd>(15) &quot;Traditional African Healers: Their Role In The Fight Against=
 HIV/AIDS in South Africa&quot; by Rebecca Rogerson, Traditional African=
 Healer and Consultant of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Support, Ontario,=

<dd>(16) &quot;Integrating Traditional and Integrative Medicine for the=
 Treatment of Diabetes In an Indigenous Community in rural Mexico&quot; by=
 Dr. Leslie Korn, Director, The Center for Traditional Medicine, Olympia,=
 Washington, USA.<br><br>

<dd>(17) &quot;Asian Medicine and Reproductive Health: Five Years of=
 Clinical Observations With a Refugee Population&quot; by Barbara Gosse,=
 LAc, Hennepin Faculty Associates, Alternative Medicine Clinic, Minneapolis,=
 Minnesota, USA.<br><br>

<dd>(18) &quot;Traditional Medicine and International Policy: The Present=
 State of Self Determination&quot; by Mirjam Hirch, MA, Fellow in=
 Traditional Healing Arts Policy, Center for World Indigenous Studies,=
 Olympia, Washington, USA.<br><br>

<dd>(19) &quot;Utilization of Complementary and Integrative Medicine In=
 Women's Health&quot; by Marc S. Micozzi, MD, PhD, Director, Policy=
 Institute&nbsp; for Integrative Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University=
 Hospital, Philadelphia, USA.<br><br>

<dd>(20) =93Preserving the Midwife: Integrating Traditional Family Systems=
 of Care for Women in Indigenous and Global Communities=94 by Keylee=
 Marineau graduate student, Center for Traditional Medicine, Olympia,=
 Washington, USA.<br><br>

<dd>(21) &quot;Understanding Sexual and Reproductive Health Problems Among=
 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Males&quot; by Mick Adams, Board=
 Member, the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation,=

<dd>(22) &quot;Defending The Right To Preserve Native American Indians'=
 Traditional Medicines and Waters&quot; by Patricia Bellanger,=
 Representative of International Indian Treaty Council, Minneapolis,=

<dd>(23) =93The Case of collaboration between Traditional Health=
 Practitioners and Modern Medicine-Scientists=94 by Nyine Bitahwa,=
 Traditional Healer, Rukararwe Partnership Workshop for Rural Development,=

<dd>(24) =93Training of Traditional Healers in Herbal Tree Nursery,=
 Sustainable Harvest, Conservation, Production and Sourcing for Medicinal=
 Uses=94 by Anke Weisheit, Director, Rukararwe Partnership Workshop for=
 Rural Development, Uganda.<br><br>

<dd>(25) =93The Role of Traditional Healing Practices In Women=92s=
 Reproductive Health =96 The Connection To the Land, Spirit and the Past=94=
 by Elaine Tapsell and Mahinekura Reinfeld, Maori Traditional Healers,=
 Maketu, New Zealand.<br><br>

<dd>(26) &quot;Contribution of Traditional Midwives to the Reduction of=
 Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Mali&quot; by Rokia Sanogo, Ph.D,=
 Consultant on Gender Analysis and Traditional Medicine in Primary=
 HealthCare and Assistant Professor of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Medicine,=
 Pharmacy &amp; Odonto-stomatology, University of Mali, Bamako,=

<dd>(27) &quot;The Synergistic Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine&quot;=
 by Yinghong Liu, B.Sc. Engineering, MBA, PhD Student in Phytochemistry,=
 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.<br><br>

<dd>(28) &quot;Integrated Health Care (The New World Medicine): From The=
 Perspective Of A Holistic Physician&quot; by Carolyn Torkelson, MD, MS,=
 Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine &amp; Community Health,=
 Women's Health Center, University of Minnesota.<br><br>

<dd>(29) American Indian Movement: Fulfilling the Prophecy&quot; by Clyde H.=
 Bellecourt, Executive Director, American Indian Movement, Minneapolis,=

<dd>(30) &quot;Traditional Medicine and HIV/AIDS In Ghana - Challenges,=
 Opportunities and Prospects&quot; by Kenneth Danso, President, Ghana=
 National Association of Traditional Healers, Accra, Ghana.<br><br>

<dd>(31) =93Traditional Phyto-therapy in response to Reproductive problems=
 in the Capricorn District of the Limpopo Province, South Africa=94 by=
 Sejabaledi Rankoana, Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, University of=
 Limpopo, South Africa.<br><br>

<dd>(32) &quot;Preserving Traditional Healing Methods&quot; by Herb Sam,=
 Native American Anishinabe/Ojibwe Traditional Healer, Minneapolis,=

<dd>(33) &quot;The causes of infertility in men and the successes and=
 challenges of modern medicine to prevent or cure it&quot; by Professor Jon=
 Pryor, Chair, Department of Urologic Surgery at the University of=
 Minnesota, past Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Andrology and=
 Past-President of the American Society of Andrology, Minnesota.<br><br>

<dd>(34) &quot;Reproductive Health: Hmong Traditional Religion and=
 Shamanism&quot; by Mr. Txong Pao Lee, Executive Director, Hmong Resource=
 Center, Saint Paul, Minnesota.<br><br>

<dd>(35) =93Protecting and Promoting Ancient Ojibwe Cultural and Traditional=
 Way of Life Towards Disease Prevention, Family and Community Development=94=
 by Melanie Benjamin, Executive Director, Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, Onamia,=

<dd>(36) &quot;Testosterone levels in aging men: How much is enough?&quot;=
 by Dr. Bruce Redmon, Assistant Professor of the Department of Urologic=
 Surgery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.<br><br>

<dd>(37) =93The Impact and Prevention of HIV/AIDS Among African Community in=
 Minnesota=94 by Elizabeth Namarra, HIV/STD Section, Department of Health,=
 Minneapolis, Minessota.<br><br>

<dd>(38) =93The Development of an Effective Treatment and/or a New Class of=
 Safer-Non-toxic Nutritional Therapy and the need for HIV/AIDS Clinical=
 Trials for Acquiring Immune Sufficiency and Adaptation (AISAA)=94 by Rev.=
 Dr. Steven C. Hall, D.Div., Phd., Director/CEO/Founder, Optimal Nutrition=
 Education (ONE), Center for Natural Healing Technologies and Services, LLC,=
 Washington DC.<br><br>

<dd>(39) &quot;The Application of Herbal Texts as a tool to Resurrect Lost=
 Traditional Medicine Knowledge&quot; by Eric J. Buenz, Ethnobotanist, Mayo=
 Clinic College of Medicine, Complementary &amp; Integrative Medicine=
 Program, Rochester, Minnesota.<br><br>

<dd>(40) &quot;The Beginning of our Life Journey&quot; by Dr. Zeal Okogeri,=
 Chiropractor, Spiritual Scholar &amp; Author, Minneapolis,=
</dl><font size=3D4><b>July 30-31 ~ Wellness Festival!&nbsp; Alternative=
 Medicine Weekend at Eagle Bluff<br>
</b>The goal of this festival is to bring people together to share ideas on=
 healthy lifestyles.&nbsp; It is designed to give the opportunity to sample=
 a broad selection of wellness topics.&nbsp; It should enable participants=
 to approach or speak to your conventional primary physician about=
 complementary alternative medicines. The fee for the weekend is $200 per=
 person with dormitory-style lodging at Eagle Bluff available for an=
 additional $35 per person.&nbsp; Single day registrations are available for=
 $125.&nbsp; For more information:&nbsp; <a=
 eudora=3D"autourl"></a>: [log in to unmask] or=
<b>September 2 ~ Minnesota State Fa</b>ir<br>
Visit the Center for Spirituality &amp; Healing booth at the University of=
 Minnesota Building from 3:00 to 9:00 pm.<br><br>
</font><font size=3D5><b>Ongoing Programs<br><br>
</font><font size=3D4>Learn Skills to Live and Cope with Stress: An 8-Week=
 Stress Reduction Program</b> - Fall program begins September 14 - November=
 2 (morning sessions) and July 15 - November 3, <b>Mindfulness Based Stress=
 Reduction (MBSR) i</b>s learning to learning to take control of our lives,=
 being aware of influences that affect our well-being and health, finding=
 peace-of-mind and balance in an oftentimes chaotic world. MBSR will teach=
 you to consciously and methodically deal with stress, pain, illness, and=
 the demanding challenges of everyday life.<br><br>
Time: 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. (morning program) or 6:30 to 9:00 pm (evening=
Cost: $325 includes program fee and all materials<br>
Place: Meditation Room, Mayo Memorial Building, 3rd floor<br>
420 Delaware Street, S.E.<br>
U of M, East Bank campus, Minneapolis<br>
Call 612-624-9459 to register<br><br>
<b>July 20th - November 8th at The Marsh; A Center for Balance and Fitness=
 </b>&nbsp; <br>
Cost: $345 members and $395 non-members includes program fee and all=
Call 612-624-9459 to register<br><br>
<b>The Inner Life Renewal Program<br>
</b>The Center for Spirituality &amp; Healing is pleased to offer The Inner=
 Life Renewal Program, a ground breaking growth and renewal program.&nbsp;=
 Few if any, courses prepared us for the life challenges that test our=
 passion, inner strength, spirit and resilience.&nbsp; Designed to support=
 health professionals from all walks of life better prepare for and continue=
 their life's work.<br><br>
<b>Day Retreat:</b>&nbsp; October 7, 2005<br>
Time: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm<br>
Cost: $150 includes continental breakfast, lunch, program fee and all=
Place: Minnesota Arboretum<br>
Call 612-626-2395 to register<br><br>
<b>Retreat Series Begins</b>: November 4-6, 2005<br>
Time: Friday, 5:00 pm to Sunday 1:00 pm (other retreats are Thursday through=
Cost: $1,750 includes food and lodging, program fee and all materials<br>
Place:&nbsp; Retreat Centers near the Twin Cities<br>
For further details on the retreat series or to register, call=
Please feel free to share this email notice with others.&nbsp; For more=
 information on the Center for Spirituality and Healings certificate=
 programs and academic courses this fall please go to <a=
 eudora=3D"autourl"></a>.&nbsp; <br><br>
</font><font size=3D2>If you would like to stop receiving these notices=
 please send a return email with &quot;unsuscribe&quot; in the subject line.=
<font face=3D"Verdana" size=3D3>Catherine (Cass) McLaughlin, <br>
Outreach Coordinator<br>
Center for Spirituality and Healing<br>
Academic Health Center<br>
University of Minnesota<br>
Mayo Mail Code 505<br>
C588 Mayo Memorial Building<br>
420 Delaware Street SE<br>
Minneapolis, MN&nbsp; 55455<br>
Telephone:&nbsp; 612-626-2395<br>
Facsimile:&nbsp; 612-626-5280<br>
Email:&nbsp; [log in to unmask] <br>
Website:&nbsp; <a href=3D""=
