Fri, 18 Oct 2002 10:04:47 CDT
Hey everybody,
Just a quick forward with some information on meetings that are dealing
with Universal Health Care. Maybe somebody can make it out...
Take care,
On 17 Oct 2002, JR Fellow wrote:
> Dear friends,
> November marks two important Universal Health Care Meetings:
> 1 - On November 9 in Philadelphia, Physicians for a National Health Plan
> ( is having their annual fall meeting.
> 2 - On November 15-17 in Baltimore, MD, the Universal Health Care Action
> Network ( is having their annual meeting.
> You can register for both meetings online. Please contact PNHP or UHCAN
> possible financial assistance.
> Minesh
> ******************************************
> Minesh P. Shah
> American Medical Student Association
> Jack Rutledge Fellow
> 1902 Association Drive
> Reston, VA 20191
> Voice: 703.620.6600 x220, Fax: 703.620.5873
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