I want to share with you information on a Global conference coming up in
July, 2005 here in Minneapolis. I am sure there could be opportunities for
volunteering for this event and it might also be worth while to consider
Mr. J. William Danquah as a speaker for your group on global health he is
very passionate on the importance of working in the area of global
health. Check out his website regarding other conferences coming up as
Cass McLaughlin
Africa First, LLC of Minnesota USA, in association with the Association of
Korean Oriental Medicine (AKOM), the Australian Indigenous Doctors'
Association, the Association of American Indian Physicians, Association for
the Promotion of Traditional Medicine International (PROMETRA), the
Centre for Scientific Research Into Plant Medicine (CSRPM) of Ghana,
Zimbabwe National Traditional Healers Association (ZINATHA), Traditional &
Modern Health Care Providers Together Against AIDS (THETA) of Uganda and
Traditional Health Practitioners Association of Zambia (THPAZ), is proud
to invite all governmental and non-governmental health institutions,
foundations, conventional and traditional health practitioners, medical
associations, universities, medical students, pharmaceutical and
bio-technological companies around the world to the beautiful city of
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America, for its Global
Conference On The Role of Traditional Medicine In Reproductive Health, on
July 26-28, 2005.
All abstracts should be typewritten in English in 1.5 line spacing with
font of 12-point size. Text should not exceed 500 words. All presentations
should be in the format beginning with introduction, narration/discussion
and conclusion with references.
Authors should indicate their full names, addresses and the organizations
they are affiliated with. If paper relates to research, they should
indicate where the research was conducted. They should also indicate how
they intend to make presentations and the specific audio or visual
requirements for presentation.
All presenters must furnish their passport size photographs, biography and
written permission to publish their papers with the conference report.
Registration and other information about the conference can be viewed at
http://www.africa-first.com/5thictm/index.htm. All other questions should
be directed to J.William Danquah, Africa First, LLC, 517 Asbury Street
#11, Saint Paul, MN 55104 Telephone 651 646 4721 Fax 651 644 3235 Email:
[log in to unmask]
J.William Danquah, President/CEO
Africa First, LLC,
517 Asbury Street 11,
St. Paul, MN 55104 USA
Tel: 651-646-4721
Fax: 651-644-3235
mailto:[log in to unmask]
Creating Global Awareness, Generating Research Opportunities & Sharing
For very exciting multi-cultural educational conventions and travel
visit http://www.africa-first.com
Catherine (Cass) McLaughlin,
Outreach Coordinator
Center for Spirituality and Healing
University of Minnesota,
Mayo Memorial Building,
MMC 505 . 420 Delaware St.,
S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: 612-626-5319 . Fax: 612-626-5280 .
Email: [log in to unmask] . www.csh.umn.edu