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Charlie Billington <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
American Medical Student Association <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Oct 2007 15:29:23 -0500
text/plain (28 lines)

 A little reminder to all you AMSA-list folks that AMSA region 8, Minnesota 
and nearby states, is having our regional conference for this year October 
26-28 in Minneapolis and Rochester (Transportation will be available from 
Minneapolis on Friday night down to Mayo). The conference is going to be 
great and we hope that you folks will be excited about attending. There 
will be talks on health policy and current health issues as well as 
clinical workshops and a chance to interact with other medical and 
premedical students and doctors.
  Friendly reminder: the early registration deadline, which has a lower 
fee, is October 4 which is THIS THURSDAY. The on-line registration site can 
be accessed here below as well as a paper mail-in form. So that we have an 
idea of how many rooms to reserve it would be great if people registering 
for the conference could let Rhamy Magid know at <[log in to unmask]>, that 
you have registered.

Here again is the link to the registration site and paper form:

As always: complaints about the AMSA-list emails and requests to be removed 
should be directed solely to me: [log in to unmask] If you've already 
requested please send me another email to remind me and I will do what I 
can to fix your status. Praise for the AMSA list should be kept inside and 
banked in case of future irritation.