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Wed, 12 Feb 2003 15:04:46 -0600
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MAP Advocate Action Alert
February 13

Support Comprehensive Sexual Health Education.  Send a Valentine on the
MAP, along with our partners in Sex Ed For Life, will be celebrating
Valentine's Day at the State Capitol with a press conference to talk about
the introduction of our comprehensive sex ed bill.  With candy hearts in
hand, we will be talking to legislators to tell them that young people need
complete and medically-accurate information about sexual health to curb the
spread of HIV and other STDs and prevent unplanned pregnancies.

We need advocates to send a valentine to their legislators to help us
deliver the message.  This Friday, click off an email that drives home the
following points:
1.  Comprehensive sex ed works in encouraging young people to delay the
onset of sexual activity and leads to greater use of contraception among
those who do choose to be sexually active.
2.  80 percent of Minnesotans support comprehensive sex ed.
3.  The alternative, abstinence-only until marriage programs, are not
scientifically accurate and have not proven to be effective.

Just a few words from you on Valentine's Day can help young people stay
healthy and get the facts!  Send MAP a copy of your valentine at
[log in to unmask] so we can keep track of which
legislators are getting the message.

Time is running out.  Register NOW for AIDS Action Day.
Governor Pawlenty has demonstrated his lack of concern for HIV by cutting
$1.2 million in prevention grants in his unallotment last week.  Social
conservatives in the House have introduced bills to take away a minor's
right to consent to confidential health care and strip the Human Rights Act
of protections for GLBT citizens.  Don't let those be the only voices heard
this session.  Come to AIDS Action Day on February 24.  For more
information and to register, visit our Website at

**Updates on the unallotment cuts, legislation and more have been posted on
our website this week.  Visit it now to find out what is going on and how
you can be involved.