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Lucie Marie Turcotte [log in to unmask]
Reply To:
Sun, 27 Jun 2004 13:07:09 CDT
text/plain (43 lines)

I am just finishing up with Conference Planning training in DC and am very
excited to mobilize our group to plan a great conference.  Here are the
meeting details:

Where: Lucie's house
When: June 30th (Wednesday)
Time: 3:00-6:00ish
What: Delegate tasks, organize

Directions:  I live at 41 4th Ave. NORTH, #104, MPLS 55401--I emphasize the
north because it can get people mixed up at times.  It is in a townhouse
area called Renaissance on the River, between 1st St. North and West River
Road (Near Acme Comedy Club, Theatre de la Jeune Lune, etc) once you get
into the townhouse area, go to the end of the T, go right and all the way
to the end--I am the second one from the end--Mapquest it or call me for
specific directions at 612-333-0408.

Meeting Objectives:
-Set residency fair in action
-Committee for T-shirt/program/poster design
-speaker brainstorm for: pharm-free, malpractice, global health/AIDS,
community health, universal health, GLBT
-starting other fundraising and donation efforts

I am really excited about this and hope people will want to get involved. 
I will get some chips, snacks, etc--bring anything else you think sounds
good.  Come whenever you're able to make it and bring some ideas.

Looking forward to it.


PS: if you're sure you'll attend, let me know ([log in to unmask]) and if you
can't make it but really want to help CALL ME!