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Josh Lackner [log in to unmask]
Reply To:
Thu, 13 Oct 2005 17:01:24 -0500
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Hey team AMSA...

1- tomorrow we'll have a planning meeting for Tuesday's LGBT lunch and the
events surrounding it (t-shirt making, "statements," others plans to be
determined tomorrow). This meeting will begin 12:10 in Moos 2-680 (same
location as last time). It will be a short meeting, but everyone involved i=
the LGBT planning should come.

2- this coming Wednesday (10/19) we will have another brief meeting to
discuss programming for the remainder of the semester and give the first
years an opportunity to talk this time.
This meeting will take place in Moos 2-680 as well. Another important
meeting, this one.

3- Two other events of note are below if you're not coming to the LGBT
planning meeting/ or to attend after the meeting.

A. From the desk of Jon Hallberg:

Stop by Grace University Lutheran Church
tomorrow (Friday) at noon if you can. We're having the inaugural lecture as
part of
the Harvard Steet Forum; Steve Miles will be discussing Abu Ghraib. It's
part of our efforts with the new Center for Medical Humanities. There will
be some music as well. Tell your friends!

B... And from the desk of bioethicist, Carl Elliot:
Center for Bioethics Seminar Series
*Global Health Inequalities and Bioethics
*Leigh Turner, PhD
Assistant Professor, Biomedical Ethics Unit and Department of Social Studie=
of Medicine
McGill University
12:15 - 1:30 pm, 2-520 Moos Tower

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Hey team AMSA...<br>
1- tomorrow we'll have a planning meeting for&nbsp; Tuesday's
LGBT&nbsp; lunch and the events surrounding it&nbsp; (t-shirt making,
&quot;statements,&quot; others plans to be determined tomorrow).&nbsp; This
meeting will begin 12:10 in Moos 2-680 (same location as last time). It
will be a short meeting, but everyone involved in the LGBT planning
should come. <br>
2- this coming Wednesday (10/19) we will have another brief meeting to
discuss programming for the remainder of the semester and&nbsp; give
the first years an opportunity to talk this time. <br>
This meeting will take place in Moos 2-680 as well. Another important meeti=
ng, this one. <br>
3- Two other events of note are below if you're not coming to the LGBT plan=
ning meeting/ or to attend after the meeting. <br>
A. From the desk of Jon Hallberg:<br>
Stop by Grace University Lutheran Church<br>
tomorrow (Friday) at noon if you can. &nbsp;We're having the inaugural lect=
ure as part of<br>
the Harvard Steet Forum; Steve Miles will be discussing Abu Ghraib. &nbsp;I=
part of our efforts with the new Center for Medical Humanities. &nbsp;There=
be some music as well. &nbsp;Tell your friends!<br>
B... And from the desk of bioethicist, Carl Elliot:<br>
Center for Bioethics Seminar Series<br>

<i>Global Health Inequalities and Bioethics<br>
</i>Leigh Turner, PhD<br>

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Ethics Unit and Department of Social
Studies of Medicine<br>

McGill University<br>

12:15 - 1:30 pm, 2-520 Moos Tower<br>
