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19 Oct 2003 19:19:31 -0000
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Dear Health Practitioners and Health Practitioner Students,

On Monday Oct. 20 at noon there will be a pre-strike rally at U of MN at Northrup Plaza, Mpls, for AFSCME local 3800, clerical workers, 93% of whom are women.They process our important paperwork,and answer our crucial questions, and do a lot of the scutwork, on a daily basis that we benefit from. This strike is largely about severe cutbacks in health care benefits and increases in costs for these workers. 

For their family coverage, premiums will increase by $1,000 per year for four of the major plans offered. Many of the lowest paid employees will be forced to forego their health insurance altogether.There will be significant increases in prescription drug, and other copayments. Under these financial barriers, there will predictably be less prevention, early detection, prenatal,and primary care,and more hospitalizations, and emergency room visits. 

If anyone can be there to support them, it will be much appreciated. So if you don't have patients or classes scheduled at that time come out in scrubs or white coats. Signs will be there to carry. I will provide literature to distribute about the need for universal single-payer health care reform and to come to our mtg later that evening. Bring others or announce it to your colleagues.
Hope to see there.
joel albers pharm.d.