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Thu, 28 Jan 2010 17:16:58 -0600
text/plain (943 bytes) , Hipsters for Haiti.pptx (433 kB)
Hello Everyone, 

I'd like to invite you all to AMSA's Haiti relief benefit this Friday, 
January 29th, Go Hipster for Haiti! All proceeds will be sent directly to 
Partners in Health. The details are below (or see the attached flier):

What: Haiti Relief - hipster costume party and beer pong tournament!
When: TOMORROW! Friday, January 29, 2010. Pong tournament starts at 8pm; 
party starts at 10pm.
Where: Phi Rho (main house)
Who: All AHC students and their guests
How Much: $5 with hipster costume, $10 without (additional donations 
welcome/encouraged). All proceeds go directly to PIH. Donation gets you a 
cup for keg beer.

BEER PONG TOURNAMENT! $5 per team. Proceeds go to PIH--best team wins pride 
and respect! Please message Dustin Palm ([log in to unmask]) with your duo 
before Friday and bring the $5 tourny fee on Friday.

Chris Martin will be donating his DJ skills to the cause, and you should 
know by now that he rocks the party!

See you Friday!!