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Cori Russell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Fri, 11 Sep 2009 10:41:17 -0500
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Hello Fellow AMSA Members,

President Obama will be rallying support for health care reform at the 
Target Center this Saturday afternoon (doors at 9:30am, speech at 12:30pm). 
Ben Ho (MS4) and Ann Vogt (MS3), former AMSA officers, will be organizing a 
rally of medical students and friends, and it would be incredible if we 
could get a big group of medical students to show support for Obama and his 
stance on Health Care for All! Please see the following email from Ben for 
more information on where and how to meet up with him and the other 

"This is OUR issue and we need to come out in a much larger force!

Please... PLEASE join us for this rally. This concerns all of us, and 
represents our ideals. Months of hard work has gone into reform, and we 
have the opportunity this weekend to chip in!

Ann Vogt (co-pres '07-'08) and I will be meeting at a time and place TBD to 
line up and to make signs. We'll be wearing white coats. As soon as the 
signs are done, we'll be making noise. I have a referee whistle and two cow 
bells. Anyone have a megaphone? Gotta have a megaphone. Please email me 
directly at [log in to unmask] or call 240.676.1081 if you want to 
meet up.Email or call me! Health Care For All!"

Good luck to everyone involved!  This should be really fun!

Cori Russell
MS2-University of Minnesota Medical School
AMSA President