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Joshua R Rhein [log in to unmask]
Reply To:
Thu, 08 Jan 2004 19:09:46 CST
text/plain (24 lines)
Don’t forget about tomorrow’s AMSA meeting!  Here is the high yield:

What:	  AMSA General Meeting
When:	  Friday, Jan. 9 (Tomorrow)
Where:	  WDH 2-110/140 (Near 2nd year classroom)
Why:	  To discuss projects for 2004 and the upcoming National Convention.

One of the things we will be talking about is the National Convention which
will take place in Kansas City Mar. 17-21.  If you are interested in going
but cannot attend the meeting, be sure to contact me or Cuong for
information.  We will also be having committee updates, information about
Harambe, discussing National leadership opportunities, and discussing the
upcoming instrument sale.  Please come, we need your input!

Where is WDH 2-110/140?  Head down the corridor from the 2nd year classroom
toward Harvard Street.  This room will be down one of the hallways on your
left, before you reach the elevators in WDH.

See you there!