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Sat, 8 Feb 2003 12:10:09 -0600
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Hey 1st year AMSA wonders,

The pre-med AMSA chapter here sent me the below request asking for a few of
us to attend their meeting next Wednesday at 5pm.  Unfortunately, 2nd years
have clinic on Wednesdays until at least 5pm.  My clinic is a ways away, so
I won't be able to make it.

Could a few first years make the meeting?  First years can probably answer
pre-med type questions better than us old fogeys.  Plus, it will be a great
way to do some early recruiting into AMSA for next year as I'm sure there
will be some folks who will be coming here next year or the next.   If you
can make it, please contact Zach at the below email.  Thanks.


----- Original Message -----
From: "AMSA Pre-med" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 8:25 PM
Subject: Im looking for some med students!!!!

> Hi Quy,
> Premed AMSA is planning to have our next meeting on February 14.  Along
> with discussing upcoming service activities we are planning to invite 3-4
> current medical students to come tell us about their experiences
> (application process, interviews, different schools, etc.) and maybe
> people of the current pressing health care issues and some possible ways
> get involved.
> Our meeting is tentatively scheduled for 5:00pm next Wednesday.  If you
> would be interested or if you could pass this invitation on to anyone else
> I would really appreciate it.  Also, if it makes any difference we will
> have pizza at the meeting!
> Thanks,
> Zach Kastenberg
> AMSA-premed