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Josh Lackner [log in to unmask]
Reply To:
Tue, 17 May 2005 16:16:58 CDT
text/plain (29 lines)
 Hey AMSA listserv. I hope everyone is having a lovely afternoon. Christy
and I have set up an AMSA meeting this Thursday at lunch at a convenient
location (which I will reveal tomorrow or Thursday morning when I learn
where it is). It will be the inaugural meeting of AMSA w/ new personnel so
we can get to planning for the summer session and the next academic year.
Please bring some agenda items or email me with them. Probable items for
discussion include
a)MNCare activism during the summer session, b) volunteering c) fundraising
d) political activisim in general e) past/present AMSA get-together
f)student group alliances (e.g. AMSA-SNMA-AMA etc)g) lunch (or "brown bag")
lectures h) Faculty Advisor and whatever else we can think of. This will be
a "brown bag" meeting event (i.e. sadly we will not be catering). Please
pencil this meeting in and I'll email again tomorrow/Thurs morning to let
you know where the meeting will be. Thanks,
Josh L

P.S. If you want to be removed from the AMSA listserv email me back w/
"REMOVE ME" in the subject heading.

Joshua Lackner
First-Year Medical Student
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
(612) 332 2316