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MAP Advocate
Advocacy Update
Vol. 9 No. 8 - April 4, 2003
Advocate, In
This Issue:
* Take Action! Call House Ways and Means Committee Members
Opposing Dual-Track Abstinence-Only Until Marriage Language
* Sex Ed Debates Shaping Up for House and Senate Floor Battles
* Senate Adopts Comprehensive Sex Ed Language
* Floor Battle Expected Over Minor's Consent
* House Committee Approves Money to Fight HIV Overseas
* MN Christian Chronicle Article Focuses on MN Family Council's
Efforts to Target MAP
* House Education Committee Member's Modesty Remarks Focus of MN
Women's Press Story
Take Action! Call House Ways and Means Committee Members Opposing
Dual Track Abstinence-Only Until Marriage Language
The last stop for the dual-track, abstinence-only-until-marriage
language in the House Education bill (now incorporated in HF1227) is
the Ways and Means Committee. Ways and Means must approve the bill
before it advances to a vote by the full House. Now is the time to
call committee members and ask that they oppose this language that
commits an undisclosed amount of money to an unproven curriculum.
Click here to find who is on the committee and how to contact them:
Read below to find out more!
Sex Ed Debates Shaping Up for House and Senate Floor Battles
Rep. Erickson's dual-track, abstinence-only-until marriage-bill has
been rolled into the omnibus education policy bill (HF 1227). House
leadership is strongly behind this approach and the language.
The Senate has come forth with an alternative that support
comprehensive sex education. THis language is in SF1211, the Senate's
omnibus education policy bill. (See below for more details.) MAP
expects an effort to weaken the comprehensive sex ed language with an
amendment when SF1211 gets before the full Senate for a vote.
Go to the MAP Web site to read more, or click on this link:
Senate Adopts Comprehensive Sex Ed Language
The Senate Education Policy committee voted on Tuesday, March 25 to
approve SF851 authored by Sen. Mee Moua (DFL- St. Paul), a bill to
ensure young people in Minnesota's schools have access to
comprehensive sexual health education. This bill was subsequently
incorporated into SF1211.
Voting in support of the bill was Sen. Steve Kelley (DFL-Hopkins),
Sen. Sandy Pappas (DFL-St. Paul), Sen. Rod Skoe (DFL-Clearbrook), Sen.
Bob Kierlin (R-Winona), Sen. Jane Ranum (DFL-Minneapolis) and Sen.
David Tomassoni (DFL-Chisolm).
Voting in opposition was Sen. Michelle Bachman (R-Stillwater), Sen.
Geoff Michel (R-Edina) and Sen. Gen Olson (R-Minnetrista). The
committee also rejected a bill offered by Sen. Betsy Wergin
(R-Princeton) that would have required schools to offer an
abstinence-only-until-marriage curriculum.
Go to the MAP Web site to read more, or click on this link:
Floor Battle Expected Over Minors' Consent
It does not appear that this issue will get handled through the
regular committee channels as neither the House or Senate bill will
have met today's critical deadline for committee action. However,
advocates cannot rest easy. As has been the case in the past, this
issue is apt to come up as a floor amendment when the House and Senate
consider major funding bills later in April. MAP will continue to
work with the Sex Ed For Life coalition to get calls to legislators
informing them about this issue and asking them to oppose any changes
to the law as it currently stands.
It is still a good idea to contact your Representative and Senator and
ask them to oppose any efforts to weaken a minors' right to consent to
confidential health care.
To find out who represents you and their contact information, go to:
House Committee Approves Money to Fight HIV Overseas
The House International Relations Committee approved a bill (HR 1298)
that would authorize $15 billion over the next five years to fight
global AIDS. Although HIV advocates did not get everything they asked
for in the bill, most agree that the bill is a good effort. Rep.
Betty McCollum (D-Minnesota) was actively involved in pullilng the
bill together.
The committee rejected several amendments that sought to replace
culturally relevant public health with ideology. Some are concerned
the Bush administration may not support this bill. Senator Norm
Coleman (R-Minnesota) has leadership responsibilities in pulling
together a companion bill in the Senate. This was the focus of a town
hall meeting MAP convened in February with Sen. Coleman.
MN Christian Chronicle Article Focuses on MN Family Council's Efforts
to Target MAP
Another publication has joined in the call to eliminate government
funding for the Minnesota AIDS Project. The Minnesota Christian
Chronicle's March 20 issue features a story about the Minnesota Family
Council's efforts to strip MAP of funding by stating MAP has an
extremist "pro-gay agenda" and attacking prevention efforts that focus
on safer sex rather than abstinence. A similar article appeared in
MFC's pro-family news.
Click on the following link to read the article:
House Education Committee Member's Modesty Remarks Focus of MN Women's
Press Story
In a recent debate in the House Education Committee, Rep. Mark Olson
(R-Big Lake) attacked comprehensive sexual health education programs
for their role in undermining a young woman's modesty, stating that
once a girl loses her modesty, it is a gateway for sexual
The Minnesota Women's Press did a follow-up with Rep. Olson and his
comments were the focus of a recent article, which can be read at:
We Have Archives, Too Past Issues of the MAP Advocate
Check the MAP Advocate archives for information about what happened
during the first two months of the 2003 legislative session.
Click here to get there:
MAP Advocate is published by the Minnesota AIDS Project every two
weeks while the Minnesota Legislature is in session, and monthly
during the rest of the year. It is available through the MAP Web site
and through e-mail list service. If you wish to order the MAP
Advocate, visit the MAP Web site or contact MAP Public Policy by phone
or email.
If you have a comment about the MAP Advocate email list service,
please contact MAP Public Policy by phone or email.
MAP Public Policy
Minnesota AIDS Project
1400 Park Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55404
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<p class="fontminus1"><P><IMG alt="MAP Public Policy ... take action. see results." border=0 src="http://register.mnaidsproject.org/images/content/pagebuilder/10797.jpg"></P>
<P><STRONG><SPAN class=subheading><STRONG>MAP Advocate<BR>Advocacy Update<BR>Vol. 9 No. 8 - April 4, 2003<BR><BR></STRONG></SPAN></STRONG>Advocate, In This Issue:</P>
<LI style="mso-layout-grid-align: none">Take Action! Call House Ways and Means Committee Members Opposing Dual-Track Abstinence-Only Until Marriage Language</LI>
<LI style="mso-layout-grid-align: none">Sex Ed Debates Shaping Up for House and Senate Floor Battles</LI>
<LI style="mso-layout-grid-align: none">Senate Adopts Comprehensive Sex Ed Language</LI>
<LI style="mso-layout-grid-align: none">Floor Battle Expected Over Minor's Consent</LI>
<LI style="mso-layout-grid-align: none">House Committee Approves Money to Fight HIV Overseas</LI>
<LI style="mso-layout-grid-align: none">MN Christian Chronicle Article Focuses on MN Family Council's Efforts to Target MAP</LI>
<LI style="mso-layout-grid-align: none">House Education Committee Member's Modesty Remarks Focus of MN Women's Press Story</LI></UL>
<P class=subheading style="mso-layout-grid-align: none"><STRONG>Take Action! Call House Ways and Means Committee Members Opposing Dual Track Abstinence-Only Until Marriage Language</STRONG></P>
<P>The last stop for the dual-track, abstinence-only-until-marriage language in the House Education bill (now incorporated in HF1227) is the Ways and Means Committee. Ways and Means must approve the bill before it advances to a vote by the full House. Now is the time to call committee members and ask that they oppose this language that commits an undisclosed amount of money to an unproven curriculum. </P>
<P>Click here to find who is on the committee and how to contact them: <A href="http://register.mnaidsproject.org/site/R?i=AEv99droiXviAbd_sxqAZA.." title="Ways and Means Committee Membership">http://register.mnaidsproject.org/site/R?i=AEv99droiXviAbd_sxqAZA..</A></P>
<P>Read below to find out more!</P>
<P style="mso-layout-grid-align: none"><STRONG><SPAN class=subheading><STRONG>Sex Ed Debates Shaping Up for House and Senate Floor Battles</STRONG></SPAN></STRONG></P>
<P style="mso-layout-grid-align: none">Rep. Erickson's dual-track, abstinence-only-until marriage-bill has been rolled into the omnibus education policy bill (HF 1227). House leadership is strongly behind this approach and the language. <BR><BR>The Senate has come forth with an alternative that support comprehensive sex education. THis language is in SF1211, the Senate's omnibus education policy bill. (See below for more details.) MAP expects an effort to weaken the comprehensive sex ed language with an amendment when SF1211 gets before the full Senate for a vote.<BR><BR>Go to the MAP Web site to read more, or click on this link:<BR><A href="http://register.mnaidsproject.org/site/R?i=RT77vVn6_YHiAbd_sxqAZA.." title="Sex Ed Debates Shaping Up for House and Senate Floor Battles ">http://register.mnaidsproject.org/site/R?i=RT77vVn6_YHiAbd_sxqAZA..</A></P>
<P><STRONG><SPAN class=subheading><STRONG>Senate Adopts Comprehensive Sex Ed Language</STRONG></SPAN></STRONG></P>
<P>The Senate Education Policy committee voted on Tuesday, March 25 to approve SF851 authored by Sen. Mee Moua (DFL- St. Paul), a bill to ensure young people in Minnesota's schools have access to comprehensive sexual health education. This bill was subsequently incorporated into SF1211.<BR><BR>Voting in support of the bill was Sen. Steve Kelley (DFL-Hopkins), Sen. Sandy Pappas (DFL-St. Paul), Sen. Rod Skoe (DFL-Clearbrook), Sen. Bob Kierlin (R-Winona), Sen. Jane Ranum (DFL-Minneapolis) and Sen. David Tomassoni (DFL-Chisolm). <BR><BR>Voting in opposition was Sen. Michelle Bachman (R-Stillwater), Sen. Geoff Michel (R-Edina) and Sen. Gen Olson (R-Minnetrista). The committee also rejected a bill offered by Sen. Betsy Wergin (R-Princeton) that would have required schools to offer an abstinence-only-until-marriage curriculum.</P>
<P>Go to the MAP Web site to read more, or click on this link:<BR><A href="http://register.mnaidsproject.org/site/R?i=qqxFr-hByRXiAbd_sxqAZA.." title="Senate Adopts Comprehensive Sex Ed Language">http://register.mnaidsproject.org/site/R?i=qqxFr-hByRXiAbd_sxqAZA..</A></P>
<P><STRONG><SPAN class=subheading><STRONG>Floor Battle Expected Over Minors' Consent</STRONG></SPAN></STRONG></P>
<P>It does not appear that this issue will get handled through the regular committee channels as neither the House or Senate bill will have met today's critical deadline for committee action. However, advocates cannot rest easy. As has been the case in the past, this issue is apt to come up as a floor amendment when the House and Senate consider major funding bills later in April. MAP will continue to work with the Sex Ed For Life coalition to get calls to legislators informing them about this issue and asking them to oppose any changes to the law as it currently stands. <BR><BR>It is still a good idea to contact your Representative and Senator and ask them to oppose any efforts to weaken a minors' right to consent to confidential health care. </P>
<P>To find out who represents you and their contact information, go to: <A href="http://register.mnaidsproject.org/site/R?i=QkV2NT8tUQbiAbd_sxqAZA.." title="Find Your Legislators">http://register.mnaidsproject.org/site/R?i=QkV2NT8tUQbiAbd_sxqAZA..</A>.</P>
<P><STRONG><SPAN class=subheading><STRONG>House Committee Approves Money to Fight HIV Overseas</STRONG></SPAN></STRONG></P>
<P>The House International Relations Committee approved a bill (HR 1298) that would authorize $15 billion over the next five years to fight global AIDS. Although HIV advocates did not get everything they asked for in the bill, most agree that the bill is a good effort. Rep. Betty McCollum (D-Minnesota) was actively involved in pullilng the bill together.<BR><BR>The committee rejected several amendments that sought to replace culturally relevant public health with ideology. Some are concerned the Bush administration may not support this bill. Senator Norm Coleman (R-Minnesota) has leadership responsibilities in pulling together a companion bill in the Senate. This was the focus of a town hall meeting MAP convened in February with Sen. Coleman. </P>
<P><STRONG><SPAN class=subheading><STRONG>MN Christian Chronicle Article Focuses on MN Family Council's Efforts to Target MAP</STRONG></SPAN></STRONG></P>
<P>Another publication has joined in the call to eliminate government funding for the Minnesota AIDS Project. The Minnesota Christian Chronicle's March 20 issue features a story about the Minnesota Family Council's efforts to strip MAP of funding by stating MAP has an extremist "pro-gay agenda" and attacking prevention efforts that focus on safer sex rather than abstinence. A similar article appeared in MFC's pro-family news.<BR><BR>Click on the following link to read the article: <BR><A href="http://register.mnaidsproject.org/site/R?i=rMSxhIkI5yLiAbd_sxqAZA.." title="Minnesota Women's Press">http://register.mnaidsproject.org/site/R?i=rMSxhIkI5yLiAbd_sxqAZA..</A></P>
<P><STRONG><SPAN class=subheading><STRONG>House Education Committee Member's Modesty Remarks Focus of MN Women's Press Story</STRONG></SPAN></STRONG></P>
<P>In a recent debate in the House Education Committee, Rep. Mark Olson (R-Big Lake) attacked comprehensive sexual health education programs for their role in undermining a young woman's modesty, stating that once a girl loses her modesty, it is a gateway for sexual experimentation. </P>
<P>The Minnesota Women's Press did a follow-up with Rep. Olson and his comments were the focus of a recent article, which can be read at: <A href="http://register.mnaidsproject.org/site/R?i=g5kZ6JlczBPiAbd_sxqAZA.." title="Minnesota Women's Press">http://register.mnaidsproject.org/site/R?i=g5kZ6JlczBPiAbd_sxqAZA..</A></P>
<P><STRONG><SPAN class=subheading><STRONG>We Have Archives, Too Past Issues of the MAP Advocate</STRONG></SPAN></STRONG></P>
<P>Check the MAP Advocate archives for information about what happened during the first two months of the 2003 legislative session. </P>
<P>Click here to get there:<BR><A href="http://register.mnaidsproject.org/site/R?i=b7ht51oajm_iAbd_sxqAZA.." title="Past Issues of the MAP Advocate">http://register.mnaidsproject.org/site/R?i=b7ht51oajm_iAbd_sxqAZA..<BR></A></P>
<P><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 90%">MAP Advocate is published by the Minnesota AIDS Project every two weeks while the Minnesota Legislature is in session, and monthly during the rest of the year. It is available through the MAP Web site and through e-mail list service. If you wish to order the MAP Advocate, visit the MAP Web site or contact MAP Public Policy by phone or email.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 90%">If you have a comment about the MAP Advocate email list service, please contact MAP Public Policy by phone or email.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 90%">MAP Public Policy<BR>Minnesota AIDS Project<BR>1400 Park Avenue<BR>Minneapolis, MN 55404</FONT></P>
<P><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 90%">612-341-2060<BR>800-373-2437<BR><BR><A href="http://register.mnaidsproject.org/site/R?i=Xws5yy9j4jTiAbd_sxqAZA.." title="MAP Public Policy Home page">[log in to unmask]</A></FONT></P>
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