Myth, Ritual, and Metallurgy in Ancient Greece and Recent Africa. By SANDRA
BLAKELY. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Pp. xiv
+ 328. Cloth, $96.00. ISBN 978–0–521–85500–6.
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Where to begin with a book as unique as Blakely's on ancient Greek daimones
and African metallurgy? Although B. provides a useful compendium of
evidence for the different ancient Greek daimones (the Daktyloi, Telchines,
Kouretes, Korybantes or Kabeiroi), her book does not simply discuss their
relationship to Greek iron-working technology. Nor is it a superficial
overview of one or two African cultural systems whose smelting traditions
bear upon select aspects of the Greek material. Rather, B. successfully
discusses both the Greek and African material (particularly the practices
of the Fipa of Tanzania and the BaKongo), and most important, the
similarities and notable differences visible in the mythic and ritual
response to iron technology in each cultural context. [n. 1] Throughout, B.
also offers fascinating comment on the historical development of cultural
comparativism in classical scholarship on the daimones (e.g., pp. 79–82,
Some classicists may balk at the cross-cultural approach of this book, even
though B.’s goals include highlighting specific differences between
cultural systems and challenging the modern scholar to pinpoint meaning for
the Greek daimones dependent upon specific circumstances, as opposed to a
generalized synchronic interpretation or broad and wishful analogies with
other cultures. B. herself notes at the start (p. 2) that the evidence for
ancient Greek daimones is paltry and contradictory, and her anthropological
and comparative approach to society and technology together is thus
refreshing, and illuminates the smattering of ancient Greek material
through noticeable disjunction, not necessarily parallelism. In what
follows I comment only on some of B.’s main points.
B. presents the Greek daimones as distinct types, while noting common ties
to the great goddess and her child, autochthony, mysteries, dance and even
certain territories. Variability, however, seems to be a hallmark of the
daimones, particularly in ritual. Most important, given the usual images of
these groups, B.’s observations and comparisons suggest that many Greek
daimones were not linked solely to metallurgy or even considered gods of
the smithy; yet each group’s relation to metals affects its proximity to
the Great Mother. The more metallurgy, the less maternal principle and the
more destructive, physically bizarre and criminal the daimon. She offers a
particularly fine discussion of the iconography and other testimonia for
the Kabeiroi and usefully compares Dionysiac and satyr traditions with the
Boiotian Kabeiroi, concluding that the Kabeiroi provide a model for a
non-Hellenic group that has little, if anything, to do with Hephaistos and
smiths (pp. 38–54).
B. situates her study of African iron in local traditions and ritual
performance, using an approach informed by ritual functionalism. In
different sections of the book, B. nicely details—both culturally and
philologically—examples of Greek material close to ritual performance,
e.g., the important 4th-century BCE inscribed Eretrian Hymn to the Idaian
Daktyloi and the Palaikastro hymn to the Kouros. She also includes fine
discussions of magnetic amulets (pp. 139–47) and Herakles Daktylos as
Egyptian Bes (pp. 145–51), and is at her best when she discusses the
6th-century Argive epic Phoronis, whose magical and ethnically foreign
Daktyloi assert the importance of iron in a competitive ritual and
political context (pp. 192–214), and the Telchines of Pindar’s Olympian 7
(pp. 215–26).
B.’s analysis of African sociotechnology leads her to discuss the Greek
daimones in terms of their powers in medicine, performance, social
hierarchy, gender and magic. In discussing African traditions, especially
those of the Fipa of Tanzania, she argues that the metallurgical craft of
Greek daimones are not associated with female child-bearing itself or
sexuality; rather, the daimones seek to protect the child (particularly
Zeus) and its mother through a display of martial power. Tanzanian
comparanda also suggest reading the Greek daimones as military figures
concerned to mark their own territory as distinct from that of the mother
figure and to ensure the territory’s fecundity through armed dance. Certain
daimones are more associated with apotropaic magic or destructive magic in
general (e.g., the Telchines), but this has little to do with their
metallurgical skills.
B. also raises the controversial issue of cultural diffusion between Greece
and Africa. Notably, the evidence she adduces for Greek and African iron
technology militates against derivation, perhaps most importantly so for
the old hypothesis of Mediterranean origins for African metallurgy through
One might wish for a less synchronic approach to the sources for the
daimones. B. begins her chapter on iconography, for example, with a
discussion of the image of Kabeiros on imperial coinage of Thessaloniki,
which she tenuously links to the mysteries of the Lemnian Kabeiros; she
then turns immediately to the metallurgical imagery of the Lemnian Kabeiroi
from Aischylos’ few fragments (see pp. 33–8). This temporal juxtaposition
of different types of sources is often hard to follow, although the paucity
and chronological scope of the evidence (literary in particular) means that
B.’s method might have been the only one possible (see esp. pp. 27–31,
227). B. does comment, when possible, on chronological development of the
different groups (e.g., pp. 21–2).
At times B.’s dense style comes close to a list of sources and makes for a
difficult read. She is occasionally repetitive, although mostly between the
chapters and the introduction. The bibliography is complete, the indexes
useful and the illustrations excellent. The notes, unfortunately, are not,
for too often the references include no page numbers; the reader is left to
refer to entire articles and even books. The text is quite clean, although
there are a few minor errors. [n. 2]
Despite these flaws, B.’s book is the first of its kind: a deep,
multidisciplinary look at the varied and mysterious Greek daimones, as well
as a successful elucidation of these shadowy figures through comparison
with modern African communities.
Bucknell University
[n. 1] At the outset I should acknowledge a lack of experience with the
African traditions, which limits my response to B.’s use of this material.
[n. 2] e.g. “accouterment” and “degrees” (for “decrees”), both on p. 17.
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