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Classical Journal On-Line <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 30 Oct 2008 16:56:54 -0500
text/plain (45 lines)
As the graduate school admissions cycle begins again, the Classical Journal 
calls your attention -- and that of your students -- to its updated and 
expanded 2008 Graduate Study in the Classics page, which now includes:

* answers to a set of Frequently Asked Questions about the graduate school 
admission process

* a complete list of North American MA, PhD, and post-baccalaureate 
programs in Classics, with links to those programs' websites

* supplementary information from a large number of programs based on a 2008 
survey (including basic admission statistics, self-identified areas of 
program strengths and specializations, information about graduate student 
support, and a precis of likely hires and other program changes in the next 
few years)

* links and information about select overseas graduate programs in Classics

* a link to /Diadochoi/, the new /CJ/ wiki-style searchable database, 
offering information about the number of PhDs produced by given departments 
and advisers, their titles, and job-placement information

* for current graduate students, advice on giving a conference paper and 
attending CAMWS for the first time, along with a list of upcoming graduate 
student conferences with calls for papers.

The address for the page is:


Please pass this email on to your students who are considering graduate 
work in Classics, as well as to other faculty members or current graduate 
students who might find it useful, or link the CJ Graduate Studies page to 
your own department home-page.

Graduate departments wishing to add or clarify information about their 
programs on the CJ Website should write directly to CJ's assistant editor, 
Tim Beck at [log in to unmask]

You may remove yourself from the CJ-Online list-serve by sending an
email to: [log in to unmask]
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write: UNSUBSCRIBE cj-online