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Classical Journal On-Line <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:37:19 -0600
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Those interested in reviewing a book for CJ Online may contact the CJ Book 
Review Editor Charles McNelis ([log in to unmask]) after consulting 
reviewer guidelines at:
Include return address. 

Unsolicited reviews may appear in print, at the editor’s discretion and 
provided sufficient space is available.

Requests for CJ Forum reviews should be directed to the Forum Editor, as 
detailed below after the break.

Please note that some of the books listed may already be assigned to a 
reviewer and that a few books may not be assigned at all.

BARTSCH, SHADI AND DAVID WRAY, eds. Seneca and the Self. New York: 
Cambridge University Press, 2009. Pp. ix + 304. Cloth, $99.00. ISBN 

BERS, VICTOR. Genos Dikanikon: Amateur and Professional Speech in the 
Courtrooms of Classical Athens. Hellenic Studies 33. Cambridge: Harvard 
University Press, 2009. Pp. ix + 159. Paper, $15.95. ISBN 

London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 2009. Pp. x + 288. Cloth, $80.00. ISBN 

CALAME, CLAUDE. Poetic and Performative Memory in Ancient Greece: Heroic 
Reference and Ritual Gestures in Time and Space. Hellenic Studies 18. 
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2009. Pp. xii + 267. Paper, $19.95. 
ISBN 978–0–674–02124–2.

CARUSO, CARLO AND ANDREW LAIRD, eds. Italy and the Classical Tradition: 
Language, Thought and Poetry 1300–1600. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. 
Ltd., 2009. Pp. x + 269. Cloth, $80.00. ISBN 978–0–7156–3737–1.

COLLINS, PAUL. Assyrian Palace Sculptures. Photographs by Lisa Baylis and 
Sandra Marshal. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2009. Pp. 144. Cloth, 
$45.00. ISBN 978–0–292–72169–2.

FÖLLINGER, SABINE. Aischylos: Meister der griechischen Tragödie. Munich: 
C.H. Beck, 2009. Pp. 224. Cloth, €24.90. ISBN 978–3–406–59130–3.

GOLDIN, OWEN, tr. Philoponus (?): On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 2. 
Ancient Commentators on Aristotle. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 
2009. Pp. ix + 213. Cloth, $90.00. ISBN 978–0–7156–3788–3.

HALES, SHELLEY AND TAMAR HODOS, eds. Material Culture and Social Identities 
in the Ancient World. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Pp. xv + 
339. Cloth, $99.00. ISBN 978–0–521–76774–3.

HAMMON, PAUL. The Strangeness of Tragedy. New York: Oxford University 
Press, 2009. Pp. x + 203. Cloth, $55.00. ISBN 978–0–19–957260–1.

HARTIGAN, KARELISA V. Performance and Cure: Drama and Healing in Ancient 
Greece and Contemporary America. Classical Inter/Faces. London: Gerald 
Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 2009. Pp. xiv + 124. Paper, $27.00. ISBN 

HERRMAN-OTTO, ELISABETH. Sklaverei und Freilassung in der 
griechisch-romischen Welt. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2009. Pp. 263. 
Paper, €19.80. ISBN 978–3–487–14251–7.

HOBSON, BARRY. Latrinae et Foricae: Toilets in the Roman World. London: 
Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 2009. Pp. x + 190. Paper, $27.00. ISBN 

JENKINS, IAN AND VICTORIA TURNER. The Greek Body. Los Angeles: J. Paul 
Getty Museum, 2009. Pp. 144 + 132 color illustrations. Cloth, $29.95. ISBN 

JOHNSTONE, CHRISTOPHER LYLE. Listening to the Logos: Speech and the Coming 
of Wisdom in Ancient Greece. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 
2009. Pp. xii + 300. Cloth, $59.95. ISBN 978–1–57003–854–9.

KAHLOS, MAIJASTINA. Forbearance and Compulsion: The Rhetoric of Religious 
Tolerance and Intolerance in Late Antiquity. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. 
Ltd., 2009. Pp. xii + 259. Cloth, $80.00. ISBN 978–0–7156–3698–5.

KONIG, JASON. Greek Literature in the Roman Empire. Classical World Series. 
London: Bristol Classical Press, 2009. Pp. 119. Paper, $23.00. ISBN 

MADSEN, JESPER MAJBOM. Eager to be Roman: Greek Response to Roman Rule in 
Pontus and Bithynia. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 2009. Pp. ix + 
166. Cloth, $80.00. ISBN 978–0–7156–3753–1.

OSBORNE, CATHERINE, tr. Philoponus on Aristotle Physics 1.4–9. Ancient 
Commentators on Aristotle. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 2009. Pp. 
185. Cloth, $90.00. ISBN 978–0–7156–3738–6.

SCOTT, WILLIAM C. The Artistry of the Homeric Simile. Hanover, NH and 
London: University Press of New England, 2009. Pp. viii + 267. Paper, 
$45.00. ISBN 978–1–58465–797–2.

SIPILA, JOONAS. The Reorganization of Provincial Territories in Light of 
the Imperial Decision-Making Process: Later Roman Arabia and Tres 
Palaestinae as Case Studies. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 126 2009. 
Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 2009. Pp. vi + 328. Paper, price 
not given. ISBN 978–951–653–374–5.

SMITH, JOANNA S. Art and Society in Cyprus from the Bronze Age into the 
Iron Age. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Pp. xviii + 397. 
Cloth, $99.00. ISBN 978–0–521–51367–8.

TODD, ROBERT B., tr. Themisitus on Aristotle Physics 5–8. Ancient 
Commentators on Aristotle. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 2008. Pp. 
ix + 198. Cloth, $90.00. ISBN 978–0–7156–3664–0.

WILLI, ANDREAS. Sikelismos: Sprache, Literatur und Gesellschaft im 
Griechischen Sizilien (8.–5. JH. V. CHR.). Rome: Instituto Svizzero di 
Roma, 2008. Pp. xvi + 477. Cloth, €47.50. ISBN 978–3–7965–2255–0.


The following are books, translations and textbooks of pedagogical interest 
currently offered for Online Forum review. Reviewers should first consult 
the reviewer guidelines at
before contacting the Forum Editor, Emily West ([log in to unmask]) to 
request a book for review. Include return address.

Stone’s Alexander: Film, History and Cultural Studies. Madison: 
University of Wisconsin Press, 2010. Pp. vii + 370. Paper, $26.95. ISBN 

EEZZUDUEMHOI, JAMES I.A. A Fundamental Greek Course. Edited by Glenn 
Storey. Lanham: University Press of America, Inc., 2009. Pp. xxxv + 547. 
Paper, $65.00. ISBN 978–0–7618–4861–5.

MUELLER, MARTIN. The Iliad. London: Bristol Classical Press, 2009. Pp. ix + 
206. Paper, $29.95. ISBN 978–1–85399–715–0.

STOUT, J.F., ed. Cicero: In Catilinam I–IV. London: Bristol Classical 
Press, 2009. Pp. 156. Cloth, $24.00. ISBN 978–1–85399–719–8.

TAYLOR, JOHN. Latin Beyond GCSE. London: Bristol Classical Press, 2009. Pp. 
xvi + 256. Paper, $27.00. ISBN 978–1–85399–720–4.

WILLIAMS, R.D. The Aeneid. 2nd ed. London: Bristol Classical Press, 2009. 
Pp. xv + 171. Paper, $29.95. ISBN 978–1–85399–714–3.

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