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CJ Online <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 14 Aug 2007 16:34:35 -0500
text/plain (64 lines)
Special Announcement: CJ-Online Forum Book Review Policies, including
policies for books available to be reviewed

CJ-Online Forum Book Reviews are intended to review a wider range of books
on teaching and pedagogy than is possible for the hard-copy portion of the
journal. Every month, the CJ-Online list-serve will distribute a list of
Books Received, all of which will be eligible for review. Except in unusual
circumstances, such reviews will appear in the Forum section of CJ-Online,
and will be archived on the CJ website, but will not be published in the
hard-copy portion of the journal. If you are interested in reviewing a
book, please write the CJ Forum Editor, Emily West, at [log in to unmask],
briefly explaining your qualifications to review the book and any possible
disqualifying factors. Because more than one individual may be interested
in a given book, even qualified reviewers cannot be guaranteed the books
they request.

Reviewer Qualifications: For books reviewed in the Forum section, reviewers
should have appropriate and substantial experience with Classics teaching
and pedagogy.  A PhD is not required, but the reviewer should have
practical experience teaching the subject in question at the relevant
level. It is CJ-Online policy that graduate students should not review
books, if only for their own protection.

Conflicts of Interest: Potential reviewers should not request books in
regard to which they might be seen as having a conflict of interest.
Disqualifying conflicts of interest include (but are not limited to): a
close personal friendship or relationship of some other sort with the
author; being in the same department as the author; having had the author
as a graduate student advisor, or having served on the author's
dissertation committee; having worked closely with the author as an
instructor or supervisor in graduate school; having read and commented on
the manuscript or substantial portions of it before it was submitted to the
press; and having read and approved the manuscript for the press for

Word limit: In the interest of readability, reviews should be a maximum of
1500 words. If you believe that this is inadequate to deal with the book
you have received, please contact the CJ-Online Book Review Editor in
advance to request an exception to the policy.

Although all reviews should contain some summary of what is said in the
book, we are not looking for a simple precis of the contents. Instead,
reviewers are asked to engage with and evaluate the material put forward in
the book. In particular, reviews must address the potential pedagogical
usefulness of the book. Disagreements and criticism should be directed at
the content rather than the author; ad hominem attacks will not be
published. CJ-Online does not publish responses, but will publish
corrections at a reviewer's request.

Reviews should be submitted within 3 months of receipt of the book. All
reviews will be edited for style and content; your review will come back to
you in most cases within two weeks of submission, with editorial
suggestions and requests of various sorts.

All reviews should be in English. Reviewers whose native language is not
English should have the review read and carefully edited by a native
speaker before submission.

You may remove yourself from the CJ-Online list-serve by sending an 
email to: [log in to unmask]
Leave the subject line blank, and in the first line of the message 
write: UNSUBSCRIBE cj-online