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Trevor Pearce <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Trevor Pearce <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 9 Apr 2018 11:02:42 -0400
text/plain (59 lines)
Dear ISHPSSB members,

We have received an invitation to organize a cognate society session
at the upcoming Philosophy of Science Association (PSA) biennial
meeting in Seattle (1–4 November 2018). The idea is to promote broader
representation of work in philosophy of science than has traditionally
been represented on the regular program of the PSA conference. The
Cognate Society sessions will take place on Thursday morning, 1
November. Each cognate society whose proposal is approved will be
allotted 90 minutes. PSA will provide meeting rooms and AV equipment.
Sessions and participants will be listed on the official conference
program and on-line schedules, and all session participants must
register for the conference.

Proposals must include:

The title of the proposed session

- A short descriptive summary of the proposal (100-200 words)

- A description of the topic and a justification of its current
importance to the discipline (up to 1000 words)

- Titles and abstracts of all papers, with up to 500 words for the
title and abstract of each paper (or equivalent information for
alternative formats); for a 90 minute session, we would expect 3-5
papers (including a commentator if desired)

- A list of participants and either an abbreviated curriculum vitae or
short biographical description (not to exceed 1 page) for each
participant, including any non-presenting co-authors.

- Institutional affiliation and e-mail addresses for all participants,
including any non-presenting co-authors.

Please note that in accordance with current PSA policy:

- No previously published paper may be presented at the PSA meeting.

- No one will be permitted to present more than once at PSA 2018. A
scholar may appear as co-author on more than one paper or symposium
talk, but may present at PSA 2018 only once (excluding presentations
at the poster forum).

- Any individual can be part of only one symposium proposal for
submission to ISHPSSB in which he or she is a presenting author.

We welcome submission of complete session proposals by email to Rachel
Ankeny (Secretary of ISHPSSB) at [log in to unmask] by 1 June 2018.
The decision about which proposal to forward to PSA will be made by
the ISHPSSB Executive Committee by the end of June, in order to comply
with PSA deadlines. In addition to consideration of quality and
coherence of the session, the ISHPSSB Executive Committee also will
consider the extent of interdisciplinarity as well as the significance
of the topic as part of the selection criteria. We are aware of the
high rate of rejection for PSA symposia given the very large number of
submissions, so encourage rejected symposia proposals so long as they
meet the criteria above.