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From: "D. George Joseph" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 15:25:14 -0500 (EST)
To: Undisclosed recipients:;
Subject: 1997 JAS in Hist of Biology and Medicine
The 1997 Joint Atlantic Seminar in the History of Biology and
Medicine--the 33rd Annual Meeting--will be hosted 11-13 April 1997 by the
Section of the History of Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine.
The meeting will begin on Friday evening with a reception, with
presentation of papers on Saturday and on Sunday morning; the conference
banquet will be held on Saturday evening. Program, registration, and
housing information can be obtained by mailing your postal (snail-mail)
address to [log in to unmask]
The papers scheduled for presentation at this year's meeting are:
SESSION #1 -- Nineteenth-Century Biology: Cell Theory
"Individuality in Matthias Schleiden's Cell Theory,"
Anne Mylott, Indiana University
"Theodor Schwann and the Cell Theory:
The Wrong Theory to the Correct Observation?,"
Ohad Parnes, Max-Planck Institute for the History of Science
SESSION #2 -- Defining the Normal in Biological Experimentation
"The Normal, Emotional and Pathological:
Constructing an Affective Standard for the Clinic and Laboratory,"
Otniel E. Dror, Princeton University
"Defining Normality and Denying Variation,"
Lisa Gannett, University of Western Ontario
"Seeing is Believing: Epidemiological Evidence and
the Causes of Cancer, 1951-1981,"
Mark Parascandola, Cambridge University
SESSION #3 -- The Construction of Social Responses to Disease
"Reframing a Sixteenth-Century Disease: The French Pox in Germany,"
Claudia Stein, University of Stuttgart
"Factors Which Shaped the Vietnamese Response to
Vaccination for Smallpox,"
Michele Thompson, University of Washington
"Syphilis and the Imperial Outlook,"
Karol Weaver, Pennsylvania State University
SESSION #4 -- Twentieth-Century Biology: Forming New Traditions
"Winston Churchill's Bowl of Turtle Soup:
Archie Carr, Sea Turtles, and Conservation in the Caribbean,"
Frederick R. Davis, Yale University
"Shedding Light on the Subject: Chemistry, Plant Physiology, and
the Boundaries of Photosynthesis Research, 1920-1940,"
Jill Lazenby, University of Toronto
"Darwin, Marx, and Wagner: How Barzun Got It Wrong and
Why Should Anybody Care?"
Garland E. Allen, Washington University
SESSION #5 -- The Life of Science
"Immunity and Its Other: Psychology, Anaphylaxis, and Eugenics
in the Work of Charles Richet,"
Kenton Kroker, University of Toronto
"Peter Medawar, William Henry Howell, and
the Fraudulent Scientific Paper,"
James A. Marcum, Houghton College
"Walter Charleton's Volte-Face on the Role of Fermentation
in the 'Animal Oeconomy,"
William Tammone, Independent Scholar
33rd Annual Meeting
Joint Atlantic Seminar in History of Biology and Medicine
11-12-13 April 1997
Yale University School of Medicine
Section of the History of Medicine and Science
New Haven, Connecticut
Sponsored by: Section of the History of Medicine, Yale University
Office of the Dean, Yale University School of Medicine
Office of the Dean, Yale University Graduate School
Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology
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