> The Philosophy Department invites applications for a one-year replacement
> position (salary competitive and medical benefits included), beginning
> August of 1999. Ph.D. preferred; exceptional ABD candidates will be
> considered. The position involves teaching six (6) courses.
> Courses to be taught are two sections of an historically-oriented
> introduction to philosophy, one intermediate-level course on philosophy
> and the environment, one intermediate-level course on philosophical
> approaches to Darwinism and evolutionary theory, one intermediate-level
> course on a selected topic in the philosophy of science, and one course to
> be determined. AOS: Philosophy of Science; AOC: Open.
> Applicants must have documented excellence in teaching. The dossier
> should include a letter of interest, current c.v., graduate transcript,
> syllabi of all courses taught independently, proposed outlines of syllabi
> for courses to be taught, a writing sample, and two letters of reference.
> Applicants should submit a complete dossier as soon as possible; review of
> applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is
> filled.
> Connecticut College is an AA/EO employer actively engaged in increasing
> faculty diversity. Connecticut College is a private, highly selective
> college with a strong commitment to the liberal arts tradition and an
> emphasis on broad interdisciplinary teaching and research.
> Apply to: Prof. Lawrence Vogel, Acting Chair, Department of Philosophy,
> Connecticut College, Campus Box 5628, New London, CT 06320. Contact Prof.
> Vogel at (860) 439-2184 if further information is required.