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Lloyd Ackert <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 27 Mar 2023 21:10:18 +0000
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Dear ISH Colleagues,
   Since there is a pressing deadline for the Toronto Meeting, I decided to send out a late-March email. Please plan to send me your April ones over the next week.

Toronto Meeting

March 31 Application Deadline for Travel Support for the ISHPSSB 2023 Conference
                A reminder to graduate students, early career scholars, and independent scholars that applications for travel support for participating in the ISHPSSB 2023 Conference in Toronto, Canada, are due on March 31, 2023. To be eligible, applicants must participate in and be registered for the conference. To apply for funds, visit the conference website at For any questions regarding these travel opportunities, contact the Travel Support Committee at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.


Call for Applicants: Incorporating Latin America and the Caribbean into Teaching in Environmental History
Applications are now open for a one-day pedagogy workshop organized by RECSLAC on integrating  Latin American and Caribbean history of science into teaching in adjacent fields. The workshop will be held just before the HSS conference in Portland, starting the afternoon of November 8 and ending midday on November 9, 2023.  We seek participants from diverse backgrounds who are interested in learning more about Latin American history of science and the environment and integrating content on the region into their courses.  The workshop will be suitable for people who are not experts in Latin America and will be particularly useful for advanced graduate students and early career faculty and professionals. RECSLAC will offer scholarships to at least five US-based and five Latin America-based students, early career scholars or contingent faculty members to offset the cost of travel to the workshop and attendance at the HSS meeting. We encourage workshop participants to attend the History of Science Society meeting and present their work. The application materials for the HSS meeting can be found on the HSS website<>.
The workshop will be led by Fred Freitas<> (North Carolina State University), Claudia Leal<> (Universidad de los Andes), and Emily Wakild<> (Boise State University). Workshop facilitators are a team of three Latin American historians of science and the environment with expertise in a variety of times and places but the workshop will emphasize the nineteenth and twentieth- century periods.
                The overarching goal of the workshop is to inspire and empower more historians to teach about Latin American science and environment.  Participants will come away with concrete ideas for teaching modules they could build into existing classes or design new courses around. The specific focus areas for the modules will be Animals, Forests, and Conservation Science. The modules we prepare will include peer-reviewed readings, primary sources, and ideas generated from discussion.  The workshop will be hands-on and model strategies and structures that work well to engage students in these topics.  By considering the role of pedagogy and the practice of revising a course, this workshop aims to provide those unfamiliar with Latin America and the Caribbean insights for their history classes.
***NOTE: The workshop will be held in English.

Applicants should fill out this form<> by Monday, April 24, 2023. Please email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> for questions.

Lecture Series

Kjell Ericson (Kyoto University) Reconsidering Japan’s Plant Patent Movement: National Histories, Colonial Legacies, and Transpacific Dynamics. This is part of: The People, Plants, and the Law online lecture series<> explores the legal and lively entanglements of human and botanical worlds.

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Kjell Ericson (Kyoto University) Reconsidering Japan’s Plant Patent Movement: National Histories, Colonial Legacies, and Transpacific Dynamics

A movement calling for plants to be treated as patentable inventions emerged in 1970s Japan. Among the loudest proponents of reform were people who had long engaged in the breeding and propagation of fruits and flowers, in certain cases far beyond Japan's post-1945 borders. My presentation contextualizes the activities of the plant patent movement these breeders and propagators joined.

Although United States plant patent precedents loomed large in Japanese debates, the issue was not simply one of borrowing existing legal frameworks. Rather, ideas of plant patenting were enmeshed in complex histories of migration, settler colonialism, and agricultural improvement. The implementation of a non-patent based Japanese plant variety protection system split opinion within the plant patent movement and contributed to its breakup by the early 1980s. Even so, several of the movement's former members later became involved in a widely publicized dispute over the patentability of a fruit tree: a peach variety with roots in colonial-era Korea. In tracing Japan's plant patent movement alongside plants and people in motion, this presentation reconsiders issues of ownership and state power beyond nationally framed histories of plant variety protection alone.

Date: Tuesday 4 April 2023
Time: 2:30pm-3:30pm AEST
Venue: Zoom<>


Kjell Ericson is a Program-Specific Senior Lecturer at Kyoto University's Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and Research and teaches history in the Kyoto-Heidelberg Joint Degree in Transcultural Studies (JDTS) Program. His research interests are in histories of environment, technology, and law, in and around the Japanese archipelago. An in-progress monograph project examines Japan's southern Mie Prefecture, a region that was once the global center of saltwater pearl cultivation. His publications include contributions to multiple edited volumes and research articles in Technology and Culture, Zinbun, and the Journal of the History of Biology.

About the People, Plants and the Law Online Lecture Series

The People, Plants, and the Law online lecture series<> explores the legal and lively entanglements of human and botanical worlds.

Today people engage with and relate to plants in diverse and sometimes divergent ways. Seeds—and the plants that they produce—may be receptacles of memory, sacred forms of sustenance, or sites of resistance in struggles over food sovereignty. Simultaneously, they may be repositories of gene sequences, Indigenous knowledge, bulk commodities, or key components of economic development projects and food security programs.

This lecture series explores the special role of the law in shaping these different engagements, whether in farmers’ fields, scientific laboratories, international markets, or elsewhere.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Berris Charnley<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

This lecture series is a partnership between The University of Queensland, The ARC Laureate Project Harnessing Intellectual Property to Build Food Security, The ARC Centre of Excellence for Plant  Success in Nature & Agriculture, and The ARC Uniquely Australian Foods Training Centre.




The organisers of the People Plants and the Law lecture series acknowledge the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and to Elders past, present and emerging.

You received this email because you have attended a People Plants and the Law lecture in the past, or because a member of our research group listed you as potentially interested in these lectures. To unsubscribe from this mailing list, please use the link below. This will not unsubscribe you from other Plant Success communications.

This email was sent by Plant Success, ARC CoE for Plant Success in Nature and Agriculture, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>



End of Announcements

Best regards, Lloyd

Lloyd Ackert, Ph.D.
Department of History
Drexel University

ISH Listserve Moderator