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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol


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"Christian C. Young" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 11 Apr 1997 07:43:04 -0500
text/plain (71 lines)
Cost Information for Seattle 1997 Meeting

Please pass the following information along to members who may not be subscribed
to the e-mail list.

The Spring ISHPSSB Newsletter is currently being printed and should be in the
mail next week.  It includes information on the 1997 Seattle Meeting, along with
meeting registration and membership renewal form and a housing form.

Registration and housing costs will be as follows (all amounts in US $):

Meeting Registration:
          For ISHPSSB members
                    Standard  $75
                Student*  $55
                Standard  $85
                Student*  $65

*The student rate is also available to participants from countries with
disadvantageous exchange rates and pay scales.  (If in doubt e-mail Peter
Taylor, [log in to unmask])

Meeting registration fees include costs for all receptions, Saturday evening
banquet, coffee breaks, and any additional social events.

Membership fees:
        One year     $15
        Two years    $25
        Student      $ 5
        One year emeritus (no cost)

Housing, at University of Washington Conference Housing:
        Four nights (July 16-19), includes 4 breakfasts,
                        3 lunches, and 2 dinners:
                Double occupancy    $158.05
                Single occupancy    $206.05
        Extra nights, no meals
                Double occupancy    $ 22.00
                Single occupancy    $ 34.00

        Check-in will be 2 p.m.; check-out at 11 a.m.

        Deadline for housing:  Tuesday, June 24, 1997

        Questions on Housing:  call (206) 543-7634

Additional information on the meeting can be found in the Newsletter, in e-mail
to follow shortly.  A separate e-mail containing a preliminary program will
follow after that.

See you in Seattle,

Christian C. Young
Program in History of Science and Technology
University of Minnesota
[log in to unmask]

But Christopher Robin wasn't listening.  He was looking at Pooh.

"Pooh," he said, "where did you find that pole?"

Pooh looked at the pole in his hands.

"I just found it," he said.  "I thought it ought to be useful.  I just picked it