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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol


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Chris Young <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 12 Apr 2000 16:06:34 -0700
text/plain (44 lines)
New NSF Funding Opportunities in Science & Technology Studies

As the National Science Foundation continues to channel much support for
research and training through new cross-disciplinary initiatives -- as
opposed to traditional disciplinary-based programs, such as the Science
&  Technology Studies Program (STS) -- scholars in all fields have
learned that these special initiatives often provide unusually rich
opportunities.  Two recently-announced special competitions seem of
great potential interest to those practicing history, philosophy, and
social studies of science and technology.

The first, "Enhancing Infrastructure for the Social and Behavioral
Sciences," was recently announced through a formal Program Announcement
issued by the NSF Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic
Sciences (which houses the NSF STS Program).  This competition embodies
a revision of a competition last held late in 1998 and offers support
for a wide range of activities, including those that will "collect data
from surveys, experiments, or administrative records; case or historical
records; or objects of investigation (archaeological items, for example)
[in a form] that will support broad-based investigations into the most
important scientific questions facing social and behavioral science in
the next decade."  Much further information about this competition
appears in the formal Program Announcement, most readily available at
<>.  Proposals must be
submitted to NSF by August 4, 2000.

The second, a solicitation for proposals addressing issues relating to
the development of an "Information Technology Workforce," was announced
recently through a "Dear Colleague Letter" issued by the NSF Directorate
for Computer and Information Science and Engineering.  Among other
topics, this competition especially seeks proposals that revolve around
three basic themes -- (1) Environment and Culture; (2) IT Educational
Continuum; and (3) IT Workplace -- and that address research questions
related to the under-representation of women and minorities in the IT
workforce.  Multi-disciplinary collaboration among researchers in all
fields are encouraged, and proposals must be submitted to NSF by June
22, 2000.  The "Dear Colleague Letter" is most readily available at

Each of these Websites provides the names and e-mail addresses of those
overseeing these competitions, from whom additional information may be
requested.  Potential applicants may also contact the NSF STS Program
Officer, Michael M. Sokal, at <[log in to unmask]>.