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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol


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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
Lloyd Ackert <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 7 Jul 2022 12:49:39 +0000
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Lloyd Ackert <[log in to unmask]>
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Dear Colleagues,
   Here are the announcements for Early July. Please send any requests for Mid- and Late July, too.

Symposium: Deadline Extended!

***We have now extended the below call for presentations to July 15th
Please email proposals and a short bio to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

NHGRI Zoom Conference 6/7 October “Irreducible Subjects: Disability and Genomics in the Past, Present and Future” (registration information to follow)<>

Please also see the open call for presentations for the symposium.  Selected presentation authors will be asked to be part of a planned edited volume:<>

More details:

Title: Irreducible Subjects: Disability and Genomics in the Past, Present, and Future
Event: Two-day symposium (October 6-7 2022)
Format: 6 presentations from invited speakers; 20 minutes each
Proposals due: July 15, 2022
Proposal length: 250-300 words
Brief biography: 50-100 words
Send to: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Notice of acceptance: August 15, 2022
Two-day symposium: October 6-7, 2022
Follow up with authors: November 15, 2022
First draft of chapters due: May 31, 2023
Final draft of chapters due: December 31, 2023

Christopher Donohue, Ph.D.
Historian NHGRI
Co-lead History of Genomics Program <>
Oral Histories<>
History of Molecular Biology and Genomics Lecture Series<>

Post-Doctoral Positions

3-year Post-doctoral position in Bordeaux, France: How does the microbiome promote or inhibit cancer development?

Information and application:
Quick overview:

  *   Postdoc position available now (starting from June 2022)
  *   Funding: Moore Foundation<>
  *   PI: Thomas Pradeu<> (CNRS Research Director, ImmunoConcEpT<>, University of Bordeaux, France)
  *   Duration: 3 years, starting from the end of 2022 or the beginning of 2023
  *   Location: Bordeaux, France, in a thriving interdisciplinary environment, constituted by the Conceptual Biology and Medicine team<> embedded in a biology lab and the broader PhilInBioMed international network<>.
  *   Candidate’s profile: both philosophers of science interested in contributing to biology and medicine and biologists or medical doctors interested in conceptual and theoretical approaches are welcome to apply.
  *   Salary: CNRS standard postdoc salaries (the exact amount depends on the previous experience of the applicant)
  *   Main question of the research project: How does the microbiome influence cancer development and progression across different species?

End of Announcements
Best regards, Lloyd

Lloyd Ackert, Ph.D.
Department of History
Drexel University

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