Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 12:59:42 -0400
From: "Alice D. Dreger" <[log in to unmask]>
Dear colleagues,
Will you please spread this position announcement to those who might be
interested? I teach in this program and love it! Many thanks.
-- Alice Dreger
Michigan State University invites applications for a full-time,
tenure-track position as an assistant professor in Lyman Briggs School, an
undergraduate, residential science program in the College of Natural
Science, beginning Fall 1999 (or Spring 1999). Candidates must have a PhD
with a specialization in the social study of science, medicine, or
technology. Teaching experience and a research program expected. The
successful candidate will work closely with undergraduates, teaching four
courses per year which may include an introduction to Science and
Technology Studies (STS) with an emphasis on freshman composition, upper
level courses in sociology of science, medicine, or technology, and a
senior seminar. Possibility exists of a joint or adjunct appointment with
the Department of Sociology. Salary commensurate with experience, but in
the range of $40,000 to $45,000. Underrepresented minorities and women are
especially encouraged to apply. Letters of application, accompanied by a
curriculum vitae, writing sample, and letters from three references, should
be sent by July 31, 1998 to Director, Lyman Briggs School, E-27 Holmes
Hall, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48825-1107.
---------------- Message TWO ------------------
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 10:38:57 -0500 (EST)
From: Lillian Isacks <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: S&TS Conference at Cornell
The Department of Science & Technology Studies, Cornell University,
announces a workshop entitled "Making People: The Normal and Abnormal in
Constructions of Personhood," to be held in Ithaca on April 24-26, 1998.
Scholars in the fields of science and technology studies, history,
literature, and psychology will examine how the concepts of normality and
pathology are generated out of and in turn regulate science and its social
relations. Panels include "Our Genes, Our Selves?"; "Myths of the Normal";
"(M)othering"; "Blood, Brains, Bodies"; and "Deviance Under Law." Further
information about the conference is available from the Cornell Science &
Technology Studies website at <>.
---------------------- MESSAGE THREE -----------------
The program for the CIRLA conference called Generating Surprises: The
Post/Disciplinary University is included below. This conference
will be held in Banff, Alberta. We are still looking for some session
chairs and commentators; if you are interested, please let us know as
soon as possible. For more information on this conference, see the
WWW site at
Bruce Janz
[log in to unmask]
Generating Surprises: The Post/Disciplinary University
Conference Schedule
Thursday, 3:00 - 8:00: Registration
Thursday, 8:00 - 10:00: Reception
Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.: Session 1
Room A: Internet as Context, Internet as Model
Paper: Elizabeth Hodge (Gavilan College). Is the Internet better
than the classroom? No, but it looks like we're stuck with it
Paper: Wendy Pearson (Trent University). Our Texts,
Ourselves: Writing/Teaching "Community Standards" of Grammar and
Style in the World of Internet Fan Fiction.
Room B: The University and the Political
Paper: Marilyn Myerson & Michael Mann (U. of South Florida).
Feminists as Intellectuals: The Social and Political Responsibility
of Feminism to Academia and Community.
Paper: Leticia Heras (Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico).
University and Politics.
Room C: The New Liberal Arts University
Speaker: David Strangway (fmr. president of UBC, founder of
liberal arts university, BC)
Speaker: *Arjo Klamer (Erasmus University)
Friday, 10:00 - 10:30: Coffee Break
Friday, 10:30 - 12:30: Session 2
Room A: Developing an Interdisciplinary Curriculum.
Speaker: Robert Newman, et. al. (U. of South Carolina).
Room B: The Future of Liberal Education
Paper: Deborah Bowen (Redeemer College). Is the Tradition of
Liberal Education Viable Today? - A Personal Narrative, Concerning
Pedagogy Beyond Formulas and Trends.
Paper: Peter Brown (Mercer University). The Motley University and
a New Liberal Education.
Paper: Marilyn Myerson & Michael Mann (U. of South Florida). The
Necessity of Liberal Arts Pedagogy as Political Practice.
Room C: De/Re/Constructing the Social Sciences
Paper: Kieran Bonner (Augustana University College). Reflexivity
and Interpretive Theory: The Problem of Nihilism
Paper: James Horley (Augustana University College). W(H)ither
Psychology? Does Increasing Specialization Spell the End of the
Parent Discipline?
Paper: Patrick Colfer (Ontario Social Services). Deconstruction or
Reconstruction? Disciplines and the In-Between.
Friday, 12:30 - 2:00: Lunch
Friday, 2:00 - 4:00: Session 3
Room A: Education for What?
Paper: Dale Breitkreutz (Gardiner College). Religious Pluralism
and Post-Disciplinarity.
Paper: James Kow (King's College, London, ON). No More Surprises
Paper: Peg Tittle (Nippising University). How Many Specialists
Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb?
Room B: At the Cusp
Paper: Bruce Janz (Augustana University College).
Transdisciplinarity as a Model of Post/Disciplinarity.
Paper: Stanley Raffel (Edinburgh University). The Need for (a)
Paper: Rick Szostak (U. of Alberta). Toward a Unified
Human Science.
Commentator(s): Peter Caws (George Washington U.)
Room C: Models and Sources for Interdisciplinarity
Paper: Anna Bernhardt (York University). Discerning the Space
Between Disciplines and How Interdisciplinarity Work Means Through an
Analogy with Hypertext.
Paper: Susan Knabe (Trent University). (Re)Presenting AIDS: A Case
Study of Interdisciplinarity between the Humanities and
Paper: Larry Vandervert (American Nonlinear Systems). Evolutionary
Mechanisms Underlying Information Growth in General
Friday 4:00 - 4:30: Coffee Break
Friday, 4:30 - 6:00: Keynote Lecture 1
Chair: Bruce Janz (AUC)
Speaker: Julie Thompson Klein (Wayne State University): Tensions
and Complementarities: "Interdisciplinarity" and "Liberal Education"
in a Post-disciplinary University
Friday, 6:00 - 7:30: Dinner
Friday, 8:00 - 9:30: Lecture/Recital
Artist: Milton Schlosser (Augustana University College): De
Profundis: For Speaking Pianist. Music: Frederick Rzewski; Text:
Oscar Wilde
Saturday, 8:30 - 10:00: Keynote Lecture 2
Chair: Kieran Bonner, Editor, Dianoia (AUC)
Speaker: Gregory Baum (McGill University): The Flight of Ethics
from the University
Saturday, 10:00 - 10:30: Coffee Break
Saturday, 10:30 - 12:30: Session 4
Room A: Learning in the Sciences.
Speakers: Margaret Ann Armour & Dorothy Tovell (U. of Alberta).
Room B: Interdisciplinarity: Discourse and Theory
Paper: Dave O'Reilly (University of East London). Undisciplining
Paper: Mike Emme (Central Washington University). Peeking
Over Fences: Visuality and Interdisciplinarity.
Room C: Corporatism and the Academy
Paper: Bruce Krajewski (Texas A & M). Postponing the
Post/disciplinary: Interdisciplinary's Capitalist Vacation.
Paper: Claire Polster (U. of Regina). Nasty Surprises: The Impact
of Emerging Intellectual Property Regimes on University Teaching,
Research, and Service.
Saturday, 12:30 - 2:00: Banquet
Saturday, 2:00 - 3:30: Session 5
Room A: Is there a useful future for economics (in the post/disciplinary university)?
Speakers: Ross Emmett (Augustana University College), Michael
Veseth (University of Puget Sound), *Arjo Klamer (Erasmus University)
Room B: The Colonization of a Native Woman Scholar
Speaker: *Emma LaRocque (University of Manitoba)
Room C: Rhetoric and Reality: Action Research and Interdisciplinarity in
the Restructured University
Paper: Jan Clarke (Augustana University College). Connecting
Universities and Communities: Action Research as Study and
Paper: Anne Gatensby (York University). Rhetoric, Reality
and the Future of Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies in the
Restructured University.
Saturday, 3:30 - 4:00: Coffee Break
Saturday, 4:00 - 5:30: Session 6
Room A: Pedagogical Models for the Post-Disciplinary University.
Speaker: Frank B. Hawkinshire (New York University).
Room B: The Disciplinary and the Post-Disciplinary.
Speaker: *David Shumway (Carnegie-Mellon)
Room C: Ethics in the Intellectual World
Paper: Mohammed Dore & C. Hayes (Brock). The Logical Derivation of
Deontic Judgements and Intellectual Responsibility.
Paper: Murray Smith (Brock) Marxist Intellectuals Today: Dilemmas,
Challenges and Ethics.
Sunday, 9:30 - 11:00: Round Table: Is There Anything After
Moderator: Richard Husfloen
Panel: Gregory Baum, Julie Thompson Klein, *Arjo Klamer, *Emma
LaRocque, *David Shumway, David Strangway.
*: To be confirmed
Bruce B. Janz
Associate Professor, Philosophy
Director, Centre for Interdisciplinary
Research in the Liberal Arts (CIRLA)
Augustana University College
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