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Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol


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Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
Sender: Intl Soc for the Hist Phil and Soc St of Biol <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 11:37:31 -0500
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Dear ISH Colleagues.

   I thought this announcement deserved its own email:


ISHPSSB 2024 Off-Year Workshop: Call for Proposals


ISHPSSB off-year workshops began in 2004 as a way for members of the ISHPSSB
community to meet in smaller settings outside of the general meeting. Topics
and themes have ranged from professional development to focused research


ISHPSSB invites proposals for Off-Year Workshops taking place during 2024.
These may be stand-alone workshops, or add-on workshops adjacent to or
incorporated with other meetings. ISHPSSB will help publicize sponsored
Off-Year Workshops, provide advice and consultation for organizers, and
include a description of the Workshop on society webpages. Limited funding
is available to help offset graduate student travel costs for ISHPSSB


Consideration for funded proposals will begin Feb. 1.  Funded proposals
received after Feb 1 will still be considered on a rolling basis while funds
remain.  Proposals for unfunded sponsorship are accepted through 2024.
Please submit your proposals  <> at this


ISHPSSB Off-Year Workshops should aim to:

*	Drive new ISHPSSB membership;
*	Engage and include current ISHPSSB members;
*	Support and expand ISHPSSB diversity and inclusion goals; 
*	Promote professional development and mentoring;
*	Pilot hybrid or other creative formats that might be used at general
ISHPSSB meetings or other future off-year workshops; or
*	Embody and support ISHPSSB's commitment to interdisciplinary
research and community building.


Modalities of Off-Year Workshop proposals we encourage:

*	Continuation of traditional off-year workshops;
*	Add-on Workshops.  Workshops adjacent to or incorporated with other
workshops/conferences, especially meetings of cognate professional societies
of biologists, historians, or social scientists;
*	Professional Development Workshops;

*	Expanding ISHPSSB's Reach. Workshops that seek to expand (a)
regional inclusion; (b) disciplinary participation in ISHPSSB; or (c) other
outreach efforts in support of ISHPSSB diversity and inclusion goals;
*	Experimental Workshops.


 Proposal Instructions


Proposals should include the following information and be submitted
<> online at this link:


1.	Name, Affiliation, and Contact Information for Workshop Coordinators
2.	Workshop website (if available)
3.	Proposed Workshop Topic (250 words)
4.	Which Off-Year Workshop Goals Does This Target?
5.	Program Information (if available)
6.	Proposed Site (if applicable)
7.	Proposed Modality (in-person, hybrid, virtual, other; please
8.	Proposed Dates
9.	Funding Request (if relevant)


ISHPSSB funds are restricted to offsetting graduate student travel costs to
your workshop for ISHPSSB members; ISHPSSB funds may not be used to fund
other aspects of your workshop.  Historically, funding has been limited to
~$1,000 per workshop.  Funds are limited this year, but funding requests
will be considered until the budget is exhausted.


Proposals must be submitted through the Google form
<> .  Instructions are included at the
link and should be straightforward.


Proposal Requirements

*	Workshops may be organized around focused topics or broader themes,
or have a clear professional development aim/audience.  Regardless, the
workshop should carry broad appeal to ISHPSSB membership and clearly meet
the aims of Off-Year Workshops.
*	Workshops should be open to all members of ISHPSSB.
*	Workshops should be organized so as to foster the Society's ideals
of interdisciplinarity and international research collaboration, and should
promote open interactions between members from graduate students to senior


Consideration for funded proposals will begin Feb. 1.  Funded proposals
received after Feb. 1 will still be considered on a rolling basis while
funds remain.  Proposals for unfunded sponsorship are accepted through 2024.
Please submit your proposals  <> at this


If you have questions about hosting a workshop we strongly encourage you to
reach out to the Off-Year Workshop Committee by contacting its Chair, Matt
Haber < <mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask]> or any other
members of the committee.


Best regards, Lloyd


Lloyd Ackert, Ph.D.
Department of History

Drexel University

ISH Listserve Moderator

NEWS:  <>





Best regards, Lloyd


Lloyd Ackert, Ph.D.
Department of History

Drexel University

ISH Listserve Moderator

NEWS:  <>